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Try Tri-Tip!!!

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    Try Tri-Tip!!!

    I’ve freeloaded, then paid, then freeloaded again. Now, not in arrears, reading amazing content without guilt. My pay it forward moment? Behold…

    Wildforks tri-tip, prime, for around 8 something per pound. Pellet grill cooked, amazing flavor. Not a paid spokesman or hype guy. Whatever you do, try a tri-tip from anywhere, if you haven’t already.

    Tried my first one on a Traeger, which was really good a few years ago, then threw one on my pellet grill and was amazed. Beef flavor was huge! Leftovers were still good.


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Leftovers? That would not be a problem with me and PBR.
      Do you drink Rainier Beer?

    I love Tri Tip. Never heard of it before joining the PIT. Was hard to find a few years ago in my in my neck of the woods, but now find it at Walmart. Cooks great on the Weber with the Slow N Sear


      Howdy from Kansas Territory, Welcome to Th Pit!

      Lookin forward to learnin along with, an from ya!

      Please, tell Bullwinkle I done said "Hey", aight?


        It tastes like steak, with the texture of roast beef. One of the best.


          Tri Tip-smoke-sear


            Cooks fast, huge flavor, very tender, very juicy but hard to come by in Texas. What's not to like! Think fathers day may be a good time to 'Q one.


            • smokin fool
              smokin fool commented
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              Same in this area, hard to come by.
              There was a smaller meat counter in a grocery store that had them but stopped bring them in, people up here just don't know about tri-tip so it doesn't sell.
              Pee me off.

            Sadly the only recourse I seem to have to get tri-tip is to order it online, since no one around here seems to carry it. ONCE I saw frozen pre-marinated tri tip at Costco, but that was the only time I've seen it here at all. I made it exactly once, with one from Porter Road, and it was very good. But their prices are up, so its a pass for now.


            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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              klflowers there used to be a small butcher shop near here, and might be one still on the other side of town from me, but I've not seen an actual butcher shop here in many years. A quick google on the topic turns up one on the north end of Huntsville that has been in business since 1984, but that is about it.

            • klflowers
              klflowers commented
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              Thstis surprising. We have a couple near us. By the way, how is Yvonne?

            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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              klflowers she is improving, but still limited to no weight bearing on the broken leg, which limits mobility a lot. Thanks for asking. I need to post an update!

            jfmorris , Whole Foods has it available in our area, along with a specialty butcher shop an hour away, but I have to call ahead to check for availability. Fresh Market carries it in Florida, says my Winter Haven friend who lives there part of the year.

            Maybe check with Whole Foods or Fresh Market in your area?



            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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              I looked at Fresh Market last week. I did come away with a 3 pack of their "prime pork" baby back ribs for $3.50 a pound (half off), but they had no tri-tip. I miss the days I was getting $7 per pound prime NY strip loins at Fresh Market, haven't seen that since the fall before COVID.

              We do have a Whole Foods, but I don't get up there often. I've never bought meat there due to their sky high prices.

            I got with a local butcher and told/showed them what I wanted. I was able to get the tri-tip's, sirloin top caps and some nice steaks and lean burger out of a couple whole sirloin primal's at a very affordable price.


              here in N.CA. it is sold grilled in front of many Mexican grocery stores and sold in almost all other grocery stores. last ones I did were CBA choice Souis Vide 130 for 3 hrs. cooled, hard seared, cooled over night sliced "against the grain " added homemade beef stock to the liquid in the cooking bag absolutely one of the best Cali Dip Samys ever. Dry brined it with salt 24 hrs. finished seasoning with lots of fresh cracked black pepper granulated onion granulated garlic and of course an ice cold adult beverage. just sayn outstanding beefy cut of cow


              • LDimick
                LDimick commented
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                My very favorite samy is thin sliced tri-tip, soaked in beek stock, (Usually "Better Than Boullion") on sourdough with mayo on one half and horseradish on the other half. Sometimes I throw on some sauted mushrooms.

              Used to be impossible to find around here. Now Giant supermarket sells them often. I tried inner once and neither of us loved it, SWMBO less than I. It was fairly chewy, TBH. I'm in no hurry to buy and cook another one. ☹️


              • surfdog
                surfdog commented
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                Cutting is THE key. Get it right and it can be sublime...get it wrong and it can be an old shoe.

              • Dewesq55
                Dewesq55 commented
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                surfdog - I'm pretty sure I sliced it correctly. It was just chewy. I'm sure that one of these days I will give it another try. Maybe a long-ish sous vide bath and sear like Skip
                Last edited by Dewesq55; June 16, 2021, 08:08 PM.

              • surfdog
                surfdog commented
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                Dewesq55 Yeah, being a natural product, they can sometimes be less than optimal.
                That said, it’s well worth another go.

              Tri Tip is one of my favorites One of the joys of living in SoCal is you find them everywhere


              • surfdog
                surfdog commented
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                Yep, I’d be surprised if one COULDN’T find it!
                The quality might vary but it’s readily available.

              Tri Tip is a favorite at our House too. My preferred way is SV @134 for 8-10 Hours then Sear. Excellent IMO. A board sauce takes it up a notch.


                Tri-Tip on a pellet grill gives me a thrill.
                Welcome from NW Oregon.



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