Cheap CharGriller Offset
22" Coleman Kettle
Traeger Tailgater
Jackson Grills Luxe 580 Gas Grill
Weber Q2200 Portable Gas Grill
Some other no name portable gas grill.
Smoke X4 with Billows
Classic Thermapen
Dreams/Future Purchases:
The Good One Open Range (or build something similar)
Grilla Grills - Grilla
Last year I had a brisket in cryovac from costco, and schedules changed and I couldn't cook it either. It sat for six weeks in the fridge and I had no issues at all...
Lang 48 inch Deluxe Patio Model (burns hickory splits)
PK 360 (burns premium lump charcoal with wood chunks)
28 inch Blackstone Griddle (propane)
Rubs I love:
Yardbird by Plow Boys
Killer Hogs by Malcom Reed
AP Rub by Malcom Reed
Meat Church (any)
Three Little Pigs Memphis Style for ribs
Would love to try Meathead's commercial rub
Sauces I love:
Pa & Ma's
Killer Hogs Vinegar Sauce
Disposable Equipment I use:
Disposable cutting boards
Tumbleweed chimney starters
Aluminum foil
Aluminum pans (half and full)
Latex gloves
Diamond Kosher Salt
Vice-President of BBQ Security, Roy
He's a pure-bred North American Brown Dog
He loves rawhide chewies
My wife calls me "Teddy" and I call her "Princess" and that's where "mrteddyprincess" comes from.
When you open the package make sure you're the only one around. Regardless of how it smells, dry rub that puppy and get it on the pit. Bacteria meat magic right there making the flavs. The exterior during cooking will be hot enough to make any bacteria harmless.
If it's spoiled you'll know, but I can't imagine that yours is spoiled.