Well got my 13lb prime from Costco tonight. Going to hit it with some Killer Hogs TX rub and set the Grills Silverback to about 250, and send her off to bed for about 12hrs ish. This is my plan Sat night. I have Kosmos Q Mop but I think I will keep it simple on my first one and just let her go. Any other tips? Not doing burnt ends, going to package most up for spring break and bring it with, we'll what we don't eat on Sunday.
12 hours is not always correct. Less or more. Who knows. 250° is a good temp. 225-275.
Do you plan on wrapping? I wrap with pink butcher paper when the bark looks good to keep it from burning. I tried foil once. Foil ruins the bark. Go to at least 195 inside temp. 200 probably better. The feel is more important. Probe tender. Place wrapped in a cooler for at least 1 hour before carving.
I have no problem with wrapping in foil, but do not wrap until temp at least 180. Bark stays good and renders nice juices to pour back over sliced brisket.
Yeah I have butcher paper and I might wrap when she his 160ish. Forgot about that, good call. After it hits 203 ish, I will wrap in paper if it isn't, also in plastic wrap, in a towel in a cooler. Seen Kosmo do the and I've done it with a but, works great.
If you have a separate leave in food temp probe with plans for an overnight cook, I would use it with an alarm. I have found that Prime tends to cook to temp "faster" than Choice/Select cuts of meat. The last full packer prime that I cooked from Costco was a 16lb that we cooked @225 on a pellet cooker that was temp, probe, and slice tender at 10hrs, which allowed us to let it rest for an extra couple of hours. As always, your mileage may vary....