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Smoked salmon

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    Smoked salmon

    I had a customer give me a couple salmon a while back so I dug out my old brine recipe. Here it is in case anyone is interested. 1 cup orange juice. 4 cups water. 1/4 cup garlic powder . 1tablspoon black pepper. 1/2 cup salt. 1 cup brown sugar. I let it sit in the brine overnight . Then smoke till the fat starts to appear on top the fillets. These fish were just gutted and beheaded and I have not filleted a fish in years so I am not to impressed with my work but it should still taste good!! Click image for larger version

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    Ya did OK. Most interested in the final outcome. Keep er smokin!


    • Backroadmeats
      Backroadmeats commented
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      It is kind of embarrassing consider I make a living with a knife in my hand.. FYI that pictured is staged so you can't see the really bad ones!!😄😄

    • Draznnl
      Draznnl commented
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      Given how the pictured ones look, Backroadmeats ,I doubt the ones you call bad are all that awful.



      Thanks for the recipe! I am on my way up to Alaska right now. (Currently over Manitoba at 32,000 FT) I am looking forward to eating a ton of salmon for days on end.

      I will have to try this out when I get back to civilization.


      • Skip
        Skip commented
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        Have fun in the Alaskan Civilization Spinaker ! We will be waiting for a detailed report.

      • FireMan
        FireMan commented
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        Give a grizz a hug fer me. It’s been 30 years since I was up there for the summer of ‘91. Enjoy man!

      • Elton's BBQ
        Elton's BBQ commented
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        Damn i'd like to tag along.. Enjoy Brother!

      Looks really good. Love salmon on my smoker. What cooking temp did you go with and what internal temp on the fish?


      • Backroadmeats
        Backroadmeats commented
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        I don't do internal temp on salmon. It is done when ya start to see fat on top of the fillets and ya pick it up with a spatula it it flakes apart. I have the smokeboost turned on at about 200 degrees and am going to let that be for an hour then bump temp to 225. First time doin this in my smokefire,. So we will see....

      Well the first of it and s done. I dusted a few fillets with Meathead chicken rub. That rub is fantastic on salmon.. Click image for larger version

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      • Skip
        Skip commented
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        Looking good! We would do scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, and a little cream cheese!

      All of it is done. After the wife and kids ate some, all of it was dusted with the chicken rub!! It is really good on the salmon. Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20210912_093917_hdr.jpg Views:	0 Size:	3.37 MB ID:	1092847


      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
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        Looking good. Next time I run up to Vermillion, I need to stop at your shop!

      • Backroadmeats
        Backroadmeats commented
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        Spinaker yes you do!! I forget how good smoked salmon is.. damn .. I think I am going to make some salmon spread and watch the Vikings game!!

      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
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        Now that is a great idea! Backroadmeats

      Well, you added insult to injury here as just this morning I had to to toss 12 lbs of wild caught King Salmon due to a freezer failure. ☹️ Then you show us some delicious grilled salmon to rub it in. All kidding aside, great looking fish.


      • Donw
        Donw commented
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        FireMan Nope, unfortunately it happened. Filled up all the other freezers and had to sacrifice the salmon, some SNF prime cowboys, Creekstone Duroc pork butts and a few other things. Just no more room. I have the appliance store delivering a large chest freezer tomorrow which we are mainly going to use as an emergency backup if this happens again.

      • Alan Brice
        Alan Brice commented
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        One of my biggest fears.

      • Bkhuna
        Bkhuna commented
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        Donw When my old freezer bit the dust, I spread the contents around to three neighbors; senior citizen who don't stock up and had empty freezer space. Everyone down here has a freezer in their garage so it was easy to find room.

      Look like Jack Salmon and mighty tasty too.
      I would par them with PBR.


      • Backroadmeats
        Backroadmeats commented
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        Ok I live in MN. What is a jack salmon?? I have never caught a salmon,. I have caught lake trout in Canada which I think is close..??..maybe I sound like an idiot too

      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        Jack salmon Jacks are precocial male salmon that have spent one winter less in the ocean than the youngest females of a given species. Because they are younger, jack salmon are smaller than other age classes of conspecifics. Coho jacks return to spawn the same year they smolted and so are particularly small.

      What do you serve alongside that smoked salmon?
      Looks great btw..


      • IowaGirl
        IowaGirl commented
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        Greasy fingers to lick?

      • Elton's BBQ
        Elton's BBQ commented
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        Haha IowaGirl Right :-)

      • Alan Brice
        Alan Brice commented
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        Chips mon, Chips! w/salt n vinegar.

      I usually dry my fillets for about two to three hours after brining. This allows a slightly tackiness to form on the fish called pellicle. Then into the smoker at about 180. Three to four hours and it is good to go. At 200 - 225 it takes about an hour or so. The Pellicle keeps most of the fat (white stuff on the fish after smoking) inside the fish for a moister fish. If you want to be more precise with the temperature of the fish go for internal temp of 145.


      • Alan Brice
        Alan Brice commented
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        Absolutely correct on this entire post!

      Mmmmmm, there is nothing like smoked salmon when it is still warm right from the smoker. Nice cook!


        It's hard to tell for sure from the photo, but those look like either Coho (silver) or Sockeye (red) salmon. If I had to bet, I'd say Sockeye because I can't make out any spots on the backs or tails in the pics and because, without heads, there would be some distinctive markings that would have been helpful ... but are missing.

        FWIW, You can't really say that they "look like Jack Salmon" based solely on your photo. "Jacks" occur in most (or possibly all) Pacific salmon species and are nothing more than young males that return to fresh water for spawning a year or more sooner than is normal for their particular species. That means they are smaller than their fully-grown adult male counterparts ... but other than that, there's nothing particularly distinctive about them.

        All that said, yours (whatever they are) look delicious ... enjoy!

        (Oh ... and you mentioned Lake trout ... which are a type of char (salmonids for sure, but neither trout nor salmon))



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