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Wood chunk size on my WSM 18"

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    Wood chunk size on my WSM 18"

    I'm going to do a Fruita Wood purchase for my WSM and they offer 3" x 3" and 2" x 2" wood chunks. Is one or the other a better choice for my 18" cooker? If it's useful, I use lump charcoal, usually cook low and slow anywhere from 225-275, and like moderate smoke on my beef and pork. When I do chicken, I cook high temps 350 or higher, but smoke profile on chicken doesn't matter as much to me. Thanks for the input!

    Not sure how much difference it would really make in terms of amount of smoke. That said, I have a 20 lb box in the garage right now, full of 2x2 chunks of apple.


    • Smoking77
      Smoking77 commented
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      Would having bigger chunks possibly cause a dirtier smoke? Bigger wood taking more time to get hotter and all that science?

    I shop frequently at Fruita, always gits me th 3" x 3" chunks, so I can use em in bigger charcoal smokers, as needed.

    I jus split em down smaller, with th claw side of a hammer, if'n I needs less, which ain't often...

    I cut my own local woods down to approx th same, fer chunks...

    Cain't imagine chunk size bein a variable in regards to dirty smoke, just season, an moisture content...
    Last edited by Mr. Bones; January 6, 2021, 10:19 PM.


    • Steve R.
      Steve R. commented
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      Agree. Those chunks are going to be kiln dried, so less "dirty" smoke just due to being that dry.

    • Smoking77
      Smoking77 commented
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      Excellent idea Mr. Bones. Although there's a 50/50 chance I lose a finger that way

    I would go with the 2x2 chunks. That is closer to the "golf ball" sized chunks recommended here on AR. I think the 3x3 chunks will be a big big, and send up a lot of flames when they catch fire. Like Mr. Bones says you can always chop them down with a hatchet. I buy B&B chunks in bags, and if I don't like the size of the larger hunks, I split them with a hatchet.


    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      Haha Smoking77 the grand prize thread had not been posted at 8:51 CST.

    • Smoking77
      Smoking77 commented
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    • Steve R.
      Steve R. commented
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      Personally, I would go with the 3" chunks. It seems there is an extra charge for the 2 x 2. It's really not a big deal to split those with a hatchet. Just one light tap to stick the chunk on the blade and then a bit firmer (with your free hand safely away) to finish it off.


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