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So I have a 20 lb turkey in the freezer . . .

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    So I have a 20 lb turkey in the freezer . . .

    ... am I crazy if I cook it in the PBC.?

    Hell no!

    I'd defrost first...

    ..., ..., ...!


    • tdimond
      tdimond commented
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    You know about pulling a rebar out to get barrel temps higher?


      I'd at least spatchcock, if not cook in two halves, but it should work just fine.


        I also recommend you Spatchcock it. I've done this with good success.


          @tidimond the PBC is a poultry cooking machine. I also recommend spatchcocking. I could eat turkey frequently but my wife is not a fan so we are relegated to once a year.


            Yes you are. You should be using a WSM.


            • ecowper
              ecowper commented
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              I came here to say this!

            I've done turkeys in my PBC before, but not that big - I usually shoot for 12-14 lb if I'm going to smoke one. We got the monster bird when my wife did a Walmart pickup and asked for a turkey breast, and they substituted. So now I want to take care of it over Memorial Day when our neighborhood pod gets together. I'll probably make some Alabama white sauce to go with.


              I like to run 350 and keep the breast side facing the inner barrel, which allows to keep out a rebar, and get the skin plenty brown.


                "A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a two-foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says,'I suppose you won't be needing a drink.' Naked lady says..."


                • Old Glory
                  Old Glory commented
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                  ...forgot my pencil

                • Razor
                  Razor commented
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                  "Have you heard the joke about the three legged chicken?"

                I've done a 17 lb'er on my pbc, turned out great. I bet a 20lb bird would do great as well, might need to crack the lid a bit though.
                Also YES with the Alabama white sauce! I did that with some chicken this last weekend for a buddy and both him and his wife went crazy over it! My wife has always been 'meh' about chicken in general, but with that sauce she loves when I do chicken.


                  I've done a couple 14-16#ers. Dry brined, Cajun buttery injection, salt free Meathead-influenced poultry rub. Whole, hung on the turkey hook.
                  With both of them I cracked the lid, pulled rods and generally monkeyed around with it to run it around 375⁰-400⁰.
                  First one turned out great.
                  Never one to be satisfied with great (it's a problem) I decided to finish the second one in my turkey fryer.
                  I'm not sure what surpasses great, but imagine a smoked, seasoned moist bird with crispy skin and that unique peanut oil touch.
                  Unnecessary? Sure. A crowd pleaser. Yup.

                  Reminder to all poultry smokers, beware that tenting the bird after pulling it out can compromise your crispy skin.


                    Oh, it's 24 lb. How we got a 24 lb turkey when we ordered a turkey breast still boggles my mind . . .


                      Half of it's done. The other half needs a few more minutes.

                      PBC! PBC! PBC! Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20210530_195743166.jpg
Views:	385
Size:	159.2 KB
ID:	1038306


                        The other half. Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20210530_202148099.jpg
Views:	365
Size:	185.3 KB
ID:	1038326



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