I think I have the "lack of water circulation w/ range top sous vide" problem solved
Going to use the adapter for my Auber fan that I use on the Pit Barrel. It is 1". I will reduce it down to 1/2" down into the water, and somehow attach it to the pot.
I'll then set the Auber temp for some value way over the water temp, that it will in turn keep the fan blowing, and thus keep the water circulating throughout the cook.
All you need is an aquarium pump and an air stone. A normal stone may not last in the high heat, but you can make a bubbler by drilling some small holes in a piece of copper tubing, or the flexible tubing itself and plugging the end.
Last edited by mgaretz; October 18, 2015, 05:12 PM.
Aquarium pumps are made for this, more pressure; I use one, and the stone bubbler. No problems with the stone from heat, but this wasn't on the stove. I used an immersion heater (to make a cup of tea, etc.), 500W. A little slower than the Anova, but it got there with about 10 gallons of water and very little overshoot. Still cheap.