I have marinaded about 14 lbs of Costo Korean cut bone-in ribs. I will SV today, then grill hot and fast tomorrow. They are all in one 2 gallon bag. Should I split these up into smaller bags before I SV, or will the temp equilibrate sufficiently over the 18 hours I planned to SV them. They are pretty thin cut, but obviously quite a formidable lump currently!!
Advice, please, fellow pitmasters and aspirers.
Last edited by Dr. Pepper; September 11, 2021, 10:09 AM.
Yes to require an app. And, any container deep enough works. For long cooks you want a cover to reduce evaporation. A recent thread on Tubs & covers included very reasonable Rubbermaid with covers. I’ll look for it.
The meat will merge together into one big chunk but it will just pull apart to form its original shape. It should cook fine as long as you can keep it submerged sufficiently.
My concern would be the ribs maybe ripping apart into individual ribs if the meat is thin when you try to pull it apart. If you don’t think that would be an issue , proceed, but otherwise separate into maybe two bags.
I of course love smoked meats of all kinds, but also like quick cooks like chicken portions, pork tenderloins, steak and fish. Really into cooking of all kinds.
My outdoor kitchen has a Lone Star Grillz Adjustable and it is wonderful. There also is a Pit Boss 5 Burner Ultimate Griddle and a Pit Boss Copperhead pellet grill.
There is an outdoor fire pit that has grilling capability and limited Santa Maria-style grill raising and lowering.
I'm an SV newbie, but if it were me, I'd split into several bags. Maybe down to only an inch or so thick in each if your pot is big enough. My Anova tub came with a rack that would make it easy to hang multiple bags in a situation like that.
Yeah I would separate them into 2, maybe 3 bags. The temp will equilibrate fine, but they're gonna get fall-apart tender after marinating and then cooking SV... if they're really thin (like I imagine ½-¾") they could fall apart when trying to separate them after the cook.
Gearing up for my big cook and it looks like I will be doing 15-20 pounds of pork butt. I have a big stock pot that may not hold everything the way I want. I see a bunch of 12L sous vide containers for $50 bucks but I am not sure if they are big enough.
I am thinking I'd have to do 2-3 freezer bags of meat and it gets
Not sure why you are SVing these but if you have them all jammed together you’ll have to add time to account for the extra thickness. So if you had planned for 18 hrs for a 1/2 inch thick short rib, I’d add an hour or two for a 3 inch thick slab. Also for an 18hr cook I’m not sure they’ll hold together enough to separate them and/or to allow you to grill them
I'd bag them separately in a single layer for each bag. That will insure easier and more even cooking. Yes you will need a larger vessel of water. In the business, one trys not to have separate pieces stuck together for most low and slow cooking procedures.
Yea I’m with Rick, what do you have and what are you trying to do? Are these flanken cut ribs? If so they grill up quickly, SV is unnecessary. If they are thick cut short ribs then you need to keep as much surface area exposed to the bath water as possible. Do not clump them all together.
This is the recipe I am following for this cook. I agree that these thin Flanken cut ribs can be simply grilled, but the intent of the SV is to melt the tough ligamentous tissue around each bone. My wife and others in the family waste a lot of the meal, left over on their plates. This is an attempt to make it all meltworthy, like slow cooked short ribs, but with the fast and hot surface. Ideally ½" thick cuts would have been better.
Wait, how thick are yours? I was thinking these are the 1/4" kind I've gotten at the butchers so an SV of a few hours would work. If they're much thicker, I can see more time. I'd also lean toward more well done temps which would also shorten the SV time a bit, but thenI don't get the desire for medium rare kalbi ribs. If you want them at that doneness, ignore this. (Nice try, autocorrect... but kalbi should NOT be kale).