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Dried chili pod ideas!?!?

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    Dried chili pod ideas!?!?

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Name:	C8D85775-5A4A-482D-B449-83AEB68A9FEA.jpeg
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ID:	969126 Just got this generous gift sent to me from my uncle , I’m thinking quesadillas and taco nights in the near future, any other ideas suggestions what/how to use these up?Click image for larger version

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ID:	969125Click image for larger version

Name:	6829D1F6-ACA9-4FBF-AB31-9A95A57E6E3C.jpeg
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ID:	969124 what/how to use these up?

    Grind ya some up, make a chile paste, then use to make a batch o Texas Red...

    Grind ya up some, keep in an airtight container fer seasonin...Me? I wouldn't fool bout, even fer a minute, tryin to remove alla th seeds, etc...; jus look at a jar of red pepper flakes: they gots seeds, an all...

    They look to be Hatch, my best uneducated guess'd be Sandias, or Lumbre...

    Have ya tasted of any, yet? Curious what th Scoville is on them beauties...

    Last edited by Mr. Bones; January 5, 2021, 04:35 PM.


    • marshall
      marshall commented
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      I did toast one up today, very mild with excellent flavor( did remove seeds but won’t next time) thanks for the input !

    Make a big batch of adobo sauce, the stuff will freeze well. You can make chili, quesadillas, birria, and a variety of various tacos. Chicken adobo is excellent. Geese ship those suckers to me, I'll take care of it for you


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      I heared dat!

      If'n I didn't already have 50+ lbs dryin, I mighta been able to make th same generous, kind offer as Brother Troutman

    • Dadof3Illinois
      Dadof3Illinois commented
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      I was thinking the same thing. Marinade some pork steaks, char them up hot and fast the slice thin for some awesome tacos!!

    Texas chili !!!!! Just picked up 8lbs. of chuck,I'll be starting mine soon.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Pics, please

    • bardsleyque
      bardsleyque commented
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      Dang Mr. Bones you done called me out! Now I gotta figure out technology so I can post those pics!

    Make a batch of red chile (think of it as a thick, red sauce) as a base. Looking at the photo, that may make 1-2 blenders full of red chile base, if that’s what you have on hand.

    From there:
    • Carne Adovada - red chile with cubed pork
    • Posole - hominy cooked in water that you then add the red chile to, makes a killer soup
    • turn that red chile into a sauce for enchiladas, cheese or beef
    • Red Chile with some browned ground beef and simmered in the chile for a bit, served with a side of Pinto Beans
    • Huevos Rancheros - some tortillas layered with pinto beans, fried potatoes or hash browns, eggs any style and topped with red chile
    • tamales, but...that’s a bit intensive with the work

    that’s my idea when I have dried red chile pods. And, I’m happy to provide you any recipes for the above if you would like. Just let me know.
    Last edited by barelfly; January 5, 2021, 07:53 PM.


    • marshall
      marshall commented
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      Your a hero my friend! I think I’ll try the posole this weekend! 😊

    • barelfly
      barelfly commented
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      marshall - sorry....haha! I got so excited to see more red chile pods! it didn’t even click! Is this part of the gift you received from Chimayo? Or is this in addition? I remember you had powder as well. are in for a treat!

    • Dadof3Illinois
      Dadof3Illinois commented
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      Tripe and pork belly in the Posole soup!!!

    barelfly , I just received these yesterday as an additional surprise, I guess my uncle is in the giving spirit , he also sent my father who lives nearby 120 tamales from texas lone star tamales! So I will be making some red sauce for those soon to try!


      I posted this in another thread a while ago, but what I would do is sprinkle those with a little water, then throw them on the PBC for a while. Grind them fine and you have smoked chili powder to do whatever you want with.


      • marshall
        marshall commented
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        I like it thanks!


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