A friend of mine has twisted my arm (read: dared me) into tossing my hat into the ring for a local Top Home Chef competition, something I wouldn't have even dreamed of attempting pre-AR. I looked over previous entries and noticed that a pure BBQ approach (which immediately crossed my mind) wasn't going to make the cut. So, I've opted to go with a more classic French style menu, but with a good ol' American twist - each dish will have a smoked/grilled element to it.
I need to pre-smoke three things, almond slivers, onions, and mushrooms. For all I care, the almonds can roast in the smoker - and I've looked over MH's smoked almond recipe already. My main concern is the onions/mushrooms, I need them smoked, but not overly cooked. After smoking, they will then be sauteed and added into a soup (mushrooms) and added to potatoes gratin (onions) that will cook for an hour. I don't need them crunchy or anything, but I don't want them turning into mush on me either.
If I throw the veggies in with the almonds, at 225, w/ smoke, for 30min - will the veggies be over cooked? Should I take them out sooner? I tried using a "pellet maze" recently in an attempt to "cold smoke" them, but the smoking pellets kept going out, which made me think I'm better off relying on my BGE with wood smoke. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I need to pre-smoke three things, almond slivers, onions, and mushrooms. For all I care, the almonds can roast in the smoker - and I've looked over MH's smoked almond recipe already. My main concern is the onions/mushrooms, I need them smoked, but not overly cooked. After smoking, they will then be sauteed and added into a soup (mushrooms) and added to potatoes gratin (onions) that will cook for an hour. I don't need them crunchy or anything, but I don't want them turning into mush on me either.
If I throw the veggies in with the almonds, at 225, w/ smoke, for 30min - will the veggies be over cooked? Should I take them out sooner? I tried using a "pellet maze" recently in an attempt to "cold smoke" them, but the smoking pellets kept going out, which made me think I'm better off relying on my BGE with wood smoke. Thoughts? Suggestions?