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Smoked veggies - help please!

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    Smoked veggies - help please!

    A friend of mine has twisted my arm (read: dared me) into tossing my hat into the ring for a local Top Home Chef competition, something I wouldn't have even dreamed of attempting pre-AR. I looked over previous entries and noticed that a pure BBQ approach (which immediately crossed my mind) wasn't going to make the cut. So, I've opted to go with a more classic French style menu, but with a good ol' American twist - each dish will have a smoked/grilled element to it.

    I need to pre-smoke three things, almond slivers, onions, and mushrooms. For all I care, the almonds can roast in the smoker - and I've looked over MH's smoked almond recipe already. My main concern is the onions/mushrooms, I need them smoked, but not overly cooked. After smoking, they will then be sauteed and added into a soup (mushrooms) and added to potatoes gratin (onions) that will cook for an hour. I don't need them crunchy or anything, but I don't want them turning into mush on me either.

    If I throw the veggies in with the almonds, at 225, w/ smoke, for 30min - will the veggies be over cooked? Should I take them out sooner? I tried using a "pellet maze" recently in an attempt to "cold smoke" them, but the smoking pellets kept going out, which made me think I'm better off relying on my BGE with wood smoke. Thoughts? Suggestions?

    I've never tried smoking them without cooking, but thinking about it, what about a water pan full of ice under them? Should allow the fire to burn enough for smoke but also keep it a bit cooler on the indirect side.
    And good luck!


    • bbantel
      bbantel commented
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      Oh about that, I'm making smoked ice for one of the cocktails too!

    Cut your onion into half or thirds. Leave the mushrooms whole and get largish ones. The onion for sure will be fine but the mushrooms might be getting soft after that time but still be under cooked. I wouldn't use too much wood either, although if you will be mixing into soup and potatoes .. you may be able to get away with 4oz chunk or so. Use some light wood like apple.

    Good luck!!


      Make sure your veggies are cold (right out of the 'fridge) when cold-smoking. Make sure they are moist on the surface.


        At 225F for just 30 minutes, your veggies will still be crisp and barely cooked.


          Will your pellet grill run at 150? Mine has pretty good smoke output at that temp and this would be close to a cold-smoking temp. Just random thoughts.
          Sweaty Paul


            While we're on the subject of grilled veggies, anyone ever smoke tomatoes or romaine lettuce? Other veggies, e.g., eggplant or zucchini or butternut squash? I'm interested!


            • smarkley
              smarkley commented
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              Ray IAsked about romaine awhile back too... no takers

              I am thinking douse it vinegar&oil add some spices and grill it

            Sounds like fun bbantel ! I hope you have time to snap pictures and share with us. Good luck!


              Well, I didn't get selected to actually make the meal in the competition.

              On the bright side, enough people have heard about what I was planning that there is demand for a larger, "private" sampling of the dinner by friends. So, the creation is not dead in the water yet, but on hold for a bit.


                The dinner is back on as a going away party for a good friend. I'll post about it later and give pics.



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