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Calling pepper heads

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    Calling pepper heads

    I need some help identifying these peppers I’m growing. I bought these plants in the spring and they are producing a crazy amount of fruit but they are different. These plants were all labeled as ghost pepper plants when I bought them.
    I’m not at all familiar with all the different types of hot peppers out there.
    I will say that the smaller round one isn’t as hot as the long rough looking pepper, which I believe is a true ghost pepper.
    @Mr.Bones I’ll send you some of these when they get ripe.
    Click image for larger version

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    They look like the ghost peppers my buddy grew last year, only for the ripeness. His looked identical to both of yours. So, if it's not a ghost pepper, it is certainly in the same family from my experience as a chef and a gardener.


    • Dadof3Illinois
      Dadof3Illinois commented
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      The plants were labeled as ghost peppers but I was surprised by having two different styles of fruit? The longer one is substantially hotter!!

    It might just be my eyes playing tricks, but they look like the orange kind of peppers. Hope that helps.


      Variations in shape seem common within some varieties. One young man who I find to be a good resource (some would probably say TOO much information, but he lives up to his chosen name) has a YT channel. Here's some good info: The 5 Major Pepper Species - Grow Interesting Pepper Varieties - Pepper Geek - YouTube


      • Strat50
        Strat50 commented
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        That guy is great.

      Left looks like a naga / bhut jolokia / ghost pepper. Right looks like habanero / scotch bonnet... but I assume they came from the same plant?


      • Dadof3Illinois
        Dadof3Illinois commented
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        Not the same plant but they look exactly alike in every way. I have 3 plants and two are producing the round fruit and one has the longer normal ghost pepper variety.

      No Problem, Yes they are peppers.
      You're welcome.


        I agree with Waster , the one on the left looks like a Ghost, on the right - not sure maybe Scotch Bonnet.

        To test the Ghost pepper, cut off a small piece, pop it in your mouth, chomp down and....
        If you get a huge burn rush with a bit of flavor, need some ice cream - Ghost all the way.


          The left is for sure a ghost. The right on, is the skin bumpy too, kinda like otangepeel? Habaneros/scotchbonnet habaneros usually have a smoother skin.


          • Dadof3Illinois
            Dadof3Illinois commented
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            Yea, it's rough and bumpy not smooth at all. I would agree Habaneros/Scotch bonnet but it's not smooth and not really shaped like one. It's about the size of a ping pong ball, it's hot but not quite as hot as the true ghost pepper?

          Well, I don’t know what ya’ll got there, but I do know that tomorrow I am goin to make another batch of dip & also dry some out. This is about half of what I have. Busy day, Wibs & peppers. Click image for larger version

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ID:	1095696


          • FireMan
            FireMan commented
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            Jalapeños, habaneros & Armageddons.


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