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Very Hot, Very Hot & Extra Hot!

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    Very Hot, Very Hot & Extra Hot!

    Well, I guess this get’s placed in the "whatever" category, since there is no thread category on peppers & heat. Just recieved some seeds & I’m goin to start em of so’s they’ll be ready by 2nd - 3rd week of May. Plannin on growin em in pots year round. Two of em can go 4 to 5 years & the yeller one can live up to 8. That’ll be the extant of my gardenin. I know some of ya’ll are practically puttin yer stuff in the ground now. We don’t even think of that this side of May.
    I grew one this year. Still hangin around. Quit givin peppers about 3 weeks ago. Don’t know if it’s permanent. No matter, got me thinkin to proceed with new ones. Click image for larger version  Name:	98979D03-E03F-44BE-A151-3A9B4CFD6932.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	1.48 MB ID:	1004659Click image for larger version  Name:	C41F05CA-F423-4F1F-A6F5-92D7E8722FE7.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	1.79 MB ID:	1004660
    Last edited by FireMan; March 16, 2021, 06:46 PM.

    that's a mighty dark growin room ya got there, Sir. maybe point the plant toward the top of Winnebago and it'll start seeing some sun.


    • FireMan
      FireMan commented
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      It comes in the mornin, which is the east.

    • Jared49
      Jared49 commented
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      The top of ‘bago is north of him!!

    • FireMan
      FireMan commented
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      We got another one or two comments & we’ll have this geographic dyereckshun thing all figgered out.

    I love growing peppers! Our planting times are similar in that we have to wait until May to put them in the ground. Best wishes on starting your seeds/plants!


      Keep in mind they’ll be living outside summer & early fall. I plan on lettin em in fer the winter cuz they will probubly complain up a storm when it gits cold.


        Try some Carolina Reapers, they'll kill you.


        • Steve B
          Steve B commented
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          Only problem with the Reapers is if you don’t get the seeds from Pucker Butt Co. You’re getting knock offs. And they don’t sell live plants. They’re the only ones that are genuine.
          I did a bunch of research and this what I found out.

        If you can eat it, there's a channel for it somewhere. I moved this to Veggies.


        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          I guess it is considered a veggie. Some like it hot!

        Oh I'm so glad I misunderstood your title Very Hot, Very Hot & Extra Hot!

        I was afraid you did another face plant into your fired up Weber grill grate. You know that leaves a nasty mark


          I got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout. It's been 47 years and time keeps moving on.
          The older I get the less heat I enjoy. I used to eat HOT peppers followed by ice cream. Then the next day on I'm on the pot calling out "Come on Ice Cream!", "Come on Ice Cream!"


            Mild, strong, or FH*

            *Frightfully Hot. (What were you thinking)


              Fireman, Fire Hot peppers, seems to go together.



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