Now I know this is a wide and varied subject but, this is what my family and friends like and that is what I want to share.

Now I like the extra large shrimp about 15-20/pd. After peeling (I leave the tails on) and deveining I rinse in an ice batch and then dry as much as I can, I take a beaten egg mixture (usually in a blender just enough to get the whites broken up) and coat the shrimp. I then have a bowel of AP flour with salt and sugar mixed in and take the shrimp out of the egg mixture and into the floor and coat. Then place on wax paper or your choice and let rest for at least 15 min. so the flour is absorbed by the egg. I then fry at 345*F for 2-3 min. to just get them done. I fry about a dozen at a time in my cast iron skillet pan if it is just the wife and I. If we have company over then I get out my 1.5 gal capacity deep fat fryer and use that. Now I know seasonings are a very personal thing and can be adjusted for your taste. In Fred's Coconut Shrimp thread he really like Paprika and feels if really helps the shrimp. (Fred that was a great recipe by the way) My coating is very light and minimal and some may want more breading than what I use. I am considering, after reading Fred's thread, of louring, egg mixture and then flouring againg and see if it gives just a bit more coating.
This is my shrimp after my light coating

I use a combination of peanut oil and vegetable oil to fry in. This was the 2nd use of this oil and about the 7th batch of the onion rings and then the shrimp in this oil.

The onion rings are made the same way as the shrimp but I always do the rings first and then the shrimp. Onion Rings for the aficionado is also a personal thing. Sometimes I only slice them 1/4" thick and other times 1/2" thick. I prefer fresh large Yellow onions but you might lake Vidallia or Spanish onions.
Please share how you like your shrimp and onion rings. Oh, I have gotten to the point of never ordering onion rings when we go out to eat.
And last I cook this meal out side as Frying smells and really trash the house really quick even if you have a real exhaust hood.

Now I like the extra large shrimp about 15-20/pd. After peeling (I leave the tails on) and deveining I rinse in an ice batch and then dry as much as I can, I take a beaten egg mixture (usually in a blender just enough to get the whites broken up) and coat the shrimp. I then have a bowel of AP flour with salt and sugar mixed in and take the shrimp out of the egg mixture and into the floor and coat. Then place on wax paper or your choice and let rest for at least 15 min. so the flour is absorbed by the egg. I then fry at 345*F for 2-3 min. to just get them done. I fry about a dozen at a time in my cast iron skillet pan if it is just the wife and I. If we have company over then I get out my 1.5 gal capacity deep fat fryer and use that. Now I know seasonings are a very personal thing and can be adjusted for your taste. In Fred's Coconut Shrimp thread he really like Paprika and feels if really helps the shrimp. (Fred that was a great recipe by the way) My coating is very light and minimal and some may want more breading than what I use. I am considering, after reading Fred's thread, of louring, egg mixture and then flouring againg and see if it gives just a bit more coating.
This is my shrimp after my light coating

I use a combination of peanut oil and vegetable oil to fry in. This was the 2nd use of this oil and about the 7th batch of the onion rings and then the shrimp in this oil.

The onion rings are made the same way as the shrimp but I always do the rings first and then the shrimp. Onion Rings for the aficionado is also a personal thing. Sometimes I only slice them 1/4" thick and other times 1/2" thick. I prefer fresh large Yellow onions but you might lake Vidallia or Spanish onions.
Please share how you like your shrimp and onion rings. Oh, I have gotten to the point of never ordering onion rings when we go out to eat.
And last I cook this meal out side as Frying smells and really trash the house really quick even if you have a real exhaust hood.
