Here we go! As you might know by now, I'm not an ingredient measurer. Everything is pretty much eyeballed. Let's start with some aromatics, onions, garlic, celery and red peppers in a food processor.
Chop em up to smithereens.
Then saute in leaf lard, or butter, add old bay seasoning and salt, until all the liquid is gone. Transfer to a bowl and let that mess cool. Add lemon juice from half a lemon, some Dijon mustard and Sriracha
Now on to the binder, shrimp! Yes get about 4 large shrimps, season with salt and place in a food processor.
chop that into smithereens, then add about 1/4 cup heavy cream. Basically, I'm using a shrimp mousse as a binder.
Form a sticky paste. And add that to the bowl with the aromatics
Mix that mess well then add the crab meat. Make sure it was drained well. Add some herbs, here I'm using tarragon and chives. Add a good pinch of salt.
Mix very gently.
Now form into patties. You could just use your hands but if you got any respect for food like I do you'll do everything in your power to make a great presentation.
Now wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes or overnight.
Roll in panko bread and fry in lard and butter combo. It's crab meat, treat it like it deserves to be treated. This will make your significant other pretty loose. Trust me. Was the use of molding gadgets necessary? No. But most of y'all know by now, I'm all about respecting food and presenting it accordingly. Food sustains life, everything else is optional. If you see me in the kitchen, you're guaranteed to get the best of me.
