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Do you cook fish in the same cooker you cook beef and pork in?

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    Do you cook fish in the same cooker you cook beef and pork in?

    I'm not like @Panhead John, going to other BBQ sites, but I do belong to a couple of facebook groups that are for the brands of cookers I use. I've seen several times in the past week (and its probably been posted here at some time, but I'm lazy) that some people will not cook fish in the same grill/smoker in which they cook anything else. They don't want everything to smell like fish. Now I've been cooking/smoking fish in the same grills and smokers I cook everything else in for 50 years. I have never had anyone tell me they just couldn't stand to eat my pulled pork or brisket because they can taste the salmon I smoked last week. I don't claim to have the finest palate, but am I the only one who can't tell the difference, or are the rest of you keeping Kosher, with separate smokers for fish and beef? Or just refusing to cook fish. My wife didn't even complain on Mother's day when I cooked T-Bones, shrimp and scallops all at the same time on the same grill.

    I have also been doing this for years with no complaints.


      Bogy I can just hear my wife's response when I tell her that I need to duplicate my grills.....for, you


      • Bogy
        Bogy commented
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        Dr. Pepper you can always try. Let me know how that goes.

      Is anyone saying how crazy it is not to cook fish in the same cooker as everything else?


      • Bogy
        Bogy commented
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        I said in a thread that I had been using the same cookers for years and never have noticed it affecting the taste of anything else, and got the response, "Well I certainly notice and taste it!" OK, as I back away slowly!

      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        Once the grates are cleaned and the new fire has burned everything off, I honestly don’t see how anyone could taste or smell fish from a week ago. Me, if they did complain about it, "Hey, Popeye’s is right down the street".

      Why, I even cook veggies in the same cooker! What cave dwellers we are!


        Bogy I am thoroughly ashamed that I visited that other site. In my defense it was for research being conducted for the post I made. And I was really drunk. I only did it that one time, it meant nothing to me and I did not enjoy it at all. That other website can never compare to you guys here. I want y’all and no one else. Please let me back in and I promise to never do it again.
        Last edited by Panhead John; May 12, 2021, 02:05 PM.


        • Troutman
          Troutman commented
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          I hear Bogy gives private confessionals on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 10am-12pm. PM him for details and appointments.

        • Bogy
          Bogy commented
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          And I want ALL the details!

        • SmokingSteve
          SmokingSteve commented
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          Sorry Panhead John, but we would never want to be considered an enabler of your filthy habit! I am glad to see that you are contrite and asking forgiveness. That we can do, since you "fessed up and are trying to make it right. Just don't let it happen again!

        I bought a Cookshack electric smoker years before finding AR. I don't remember if I was told or read it, but their recommendation was that if I smoke a lot of fish, I should have a dedicated fish smoker. I also can attest to the fact that you shouldn't cook a nice steak and salmon at the same time in the same cooker...
        Last edited by RonB; May 12, 2021, 02:26 PM.


          I do not cook them or allow them on my primary smoker. I am not a fan of fish in the first place (smell makes me sick), but my wife is a fan. So, I have separate dedicated smoker just for fish.


            I have not had a problem in my cookers.


              Just don't cook (or eat) fishy-smelling fish and you should be fine.


                Note if you keep a kosher home!

                Seriously though, I sold a BGE once and they guy wanted an extra grid and was very disappointed we didn't have it in stock. The owner suggested to me that keeping kosher was most likely the reason - one grid for fish and one for meat (and I guess no port at all).


                • Bogy
                  Bogy commented
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                  I want to make clear I am at least passing familiar with Jewish dietary rules (mostly from reading it in the Hebrew scriptures) and was being somewhat facetious about using different grills for beef/pork and fish as "keeping Kosher". My family tells me they often don't know when I'm joking and when I'm serious. They think this is by accident, I just want to keep them guessing.

                • Dr. Pepper
                  Dr. Pepper commented
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                  Bogy I knew you were being funny, but wasn't sure if RolfTaylor was in on the joke. 🤔
                  In further service of global understanding, fish is considered 'Parve', or 'pareve', which means neutral (Kosher-wise.) That means fish dishes can be eaten with milchich (milk) or fleischich (meat) dishes. EG: lox, bagels, and CREAM CHEESE, or, for the Passover, Gefilte fish and BRISKET (no, not the Texas kind!) So, fish swings, can go any way. Very modern. Very fluid (get it? fluid? water? fish swims?)

                • RolfTaylor
                  RolfTaylor commented
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                  Hmmm, while I have known many jews I am certainly no expert. The odd thing is that the owner of the Ace where I used to work is a fairly observant Jew and he's the one that mentioned some vaguely recalled comment about this customer. I must have misunderstood him. Thanks for the education (isn't that what we are all here for).

                  Back on topic, I cook fish and meat on my gas Weber all the time with nothing more than the usual burn and scrape.

                I cook fish in my gasser primarily. I also cook other meats on that cooker as well and have not had any issues. However, I clean it and burn it off before cooking.


                  I have a Bradley smoker (basically a converted mini-fridge) that can do that, but none of the others have passed on anything I've noticed.


                    Restaurants cook fish on the same flat top and oven but I think some have a different deep fryer for fish. I am trying to remember my Mickey D's job while in HS. Think they used the same fryer for the chicken but a separate one for the fries.


                    • Bogy
                      Bogy commented
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                      JimLinebarger One church I served had a chicken dinner in the spring, and a fish dinner in the fall. They saved the grease from the fryer in the spring (big fryer) and used it in the fall, and then threw it away. You didn't want to do the reverse. But in my opinion, deep frying and grilling/smoking are two different things.

                    I don't smoke fish, but certainly have grilled a lot of it over the years, and considering I always clean the grates and burn things off between cooks, I've never noticed any fish flavor or smell to anything over many years of grilling.

                    Now, if you are smoking salmon a lot, I can see the smoker building up a fishy layer inside. A grill? Not so much. Someone referenced the kosher requirement, and that could be a thing, but only for the surface the fish is touching.

                    As others have mentioned, I do NOT reuse oil that I've used for frying fish for any future cooks. I have reused oil used for frying chicken or veggies (fries).



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