Wednesday, mid week. I usually try to cook on Wednesdays but the weather is bad and that has made me feel rotten. Made fresh Buns, yesterday and we cooked Pulled Pork over the weekend, so HWMO decided he'd prefer to just do BBQ Sammiches for dinner. that's great cause I am just NOT up to hours at the counter.
but, as the title tells you, I cannot leave well enough alone. HWMO loves Au Gratin potatoes. We don't make them often because they ARE a hassle. unless you have a mandoline. I had never spent the money on a good one, before but, with the kidlets gone, I finally bought one. So, Potatoes AuGratin beside the BBQ, tonight. Goes very easily with the mandolin.
Here's the recipe:
2 pounds russet or other low starch potato sliced 1/8" or thinner
3 cups heavy cream
1 TBSP Kosher salt (or salt to preference)
1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper (adjusted for taste)
1/8 tsp fresh nutmeg
1 large or two medium garlic cloves, smashed
grated cheeses. I like to choose my cheeses according to the meat for the evening.
wash & slice potatoes. place them in heavy bottomed pot and add everything except the cheese. heat over medium/high heat until cream boils. I generally start on medium and gradually edge upward until I reach a boil. stir occasionally but carefully to avoid scorching. The easiest way IMHO, to stir is simply to put my spoon on the side of the pot and just move the spoon around the edges of the circle in the pot. this moves all the potatoes as one mass but does a very good job of stirring the cream on the bottom of the pan.
When the cream comes to a boil, transfer the potatoes into a casserole (I use a large soufflé dish) transfer them a few at a time so that you can find the garlic and remove it. layer the potatoes into the casserole, then pour the cream over them. You can stop at half the dish and put a layer of cheese there, then continue with the potatoes and top with remaining cheese.
bake at 400 until the potatoes are fork tender and the cheese has melted, bubbly and browned.
Remember, Cooking is a Sacred Endeavour
but, as the title tells you, I cannot leave well enough alone. HWMO loves Au Gratin potatoes. We don't make them often because they ARE a hassle. unless you have a mandoline. I had never spent the money on a good one, before but, with the kidlets gone, I finally bought one. So, Potatoes AuGratin beside the BBQ, tonight. Goes very easily with the mandolin.
Here's the recipe:
2 pounds russet or other low starch potato sliced 1/8" or thinner
3 cups heavy cream
1 TBSP Kosher salt (or salt to preference)
1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper (adjusted for taste)
1/8 tsp fresh nutmeg
1 large or two medium garlic cloves, smashed
grated cheeses. I like to choose my cheeses according to the meat for the evening.
wash & slice potatoes. place them in heavy bottomed pot and add everything except the cheese. heat over medium/high heat until cream boils. I generally start on medium and gradually edge upward until I reach a boil. stir occasionally but carefully to avoid scorching. The easiest way IMHO, to stir is simply to put my spoon on the side of the pot and just move the spoon around the edges of the circle in the pot. this moves all the potatoes as one mass but does a very good job of stirring the cream on the bottom of the pan.
When the cream comes to a boil, transfer the potatoes into a casserole (I use a large soufflé dish) transfer them a few at a time so that you can find the garlic and remove it. layer the potatoes into the casserole, then pour the cream over them. You can stop at half the dish and put a layer of cheese there, then continue with the potatoes and top with remaining cheese.
bake at 400 until the potatoes are fork tender and the cheese has melted, bubbly and browned.
Remember, Cooking is a Sacred Endeavour