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Oh man... Surprise, surprise.

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    Oh man... Surprise, surprise.

    I shopped at a new place for me... Smart and Final. They had lump coal for $15 for a 40lb bag. Then I went to the meat department and saw they had pork butt for $1.99 per pound. There was a 8 pound butt that I thought would be perfect, in the cart it went. Last night I took it out of the cryovac bag to trim it and dry brine it and... Surprise, surprise It was 5 pieces of meat!!! Curve ball, damn!

    There is 3-2 pound pieces and 2-1 pound pieces. I'm going to put Memphis Dust on them and put them on the BGE with the big chunks toward the back, the hot spot and see what happens.

    Has anyone smoked small pieces like that before? I'm thinking it may only take 6 hours or less.

    I've done just the money muscle and a couple 3 pounders. That sounds about right (6-8). You hate to guess before they are done.

    Saw the title, thought some self-rising stuff needed some help.


    • Steve Vojtek
      Steve Vojtek commented
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      LOL..Well without that 'self-rising stuff' a pulled pork sandwich would just be pulled pork - very nice by itself but the bun makes it complete...And thanks to Breadhead i'm about to join the club...I have a nice sourdough culture growing on my kitchen bench-top .. just what AR needs - another bread enthusiast ..... can't live on meat alone... or was it bread?

    • Breadhead
      Breadhead commented
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      Steve... Welcome to the Breadhead club. Bread making is a very interesting study. For 1000's of years bread has been made using flour, some SD starter, water and salt. It's an interesting learning curve.

      I suggest you come up with an easy recipe that you can rely on and make that same recipe over and over again. Repetition with the same dough will move you through the learning curve faster. Make it all by hand until you know what the dough is suppose to look and feel like at every step of the process. Then... Using a mixer for some parts of the process would be fine.

      Here is the recipe I learned with and is still my go to sourdough recipe.

      500 grams Bread flour =100%
      300 grams Water = 60%
      200 grams Sourdough Starter = 40%
      10 grams Salt = 2%

      My SD Starter is maintained at 100% hydration, equal amounts of flour and water by weight. So that makes this formula:

      600 grams flour = 100%
      400 grams Water = 66.6% of the weight of the flour
      10 grams of Salt = 2% of the weight of the flour

      A 66.6 hydration dough.

      This recipe/formula is very, very close to every famous sourdough bread baker in the world. All they do is raise or lower the water and salt a tiny bit.

      I have written step by step instructions for making this dough into a loaf of bread. If you want that info just let me know. Us Breadhead's like to share the knowledge.
      Last edited by Breadhead; May 19, 2015, 12:05 PM.

    Is it just random chunks or did they make country ribs by slicing it? Personally I would test out some rubs and sauces.


      All turned out well. The whole cook took 6 1/2 hours... Because I wrapped them all at the stall and powered through the stall at 325 degrees. I was worried about them being dry but that didn't happen. The buns... I mixed the dough at 2:00pm and they were out of the oven at 5:30. I made Meathead's Kentucky Boubon Baked beans and his Deli coleslaw. We had a nice jug of vino to make sure all was good in the world. Thank you Meathead and fellow Pit Members for making me a better pit master.
      Last edited by Breadhead; May 19, 2015, 12:07 PM.


      • W.A.
        W.A. commented
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        Is that foil rings around the buns while they cook?

      I've been chowing down on that pull pork now for 3 days in a row. It still tastes delicious! I microwave the buns for 15 seconds and they still like fresh bread. Mmmm


        All looks great, especially the buns, how do you toast yours?



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