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"Aged" bacon

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    "Aged" bacon

    So, the Y and i love our bacon. For some reason, we missed some. we made some up quite some time ago, smoked it and wrapped it up. We always wrap it in parchment paper then put the bacon in a ziplock and store it in the fridge.

    recently, we ran across a chunk that we made but we're not entirely certain when. (Here's to writing smoke dates on it from now on). it has been cured and smoked but it has been in the fridge since. when I unwrapped it, it smelled Ok, has a white coating (is that the fat and water working it's way out?) but, other than that, looked perfectly fine.

    Thought I'd mention it to you guys before I decided to give it a try. I'd hate to toss it. then again, I'd hate to get sick, too. what do the more experienced bacon folks think?

    White coating? Sounds like some form of penicillium type mold perhaps? Generally you get that on cured meats like hams that dry cure. Just clean it off, it should be alright. Sounds like you're willing anyway so have a go !!!


      I don't know, Karon. I am of the opinion "when in doubt, throw it out". I stretch the limits of things well beyond what my wife or Jerod Broussard would say is safe. However, my rule of thumb for being sure it is a "no-go" that if I question it, it has to be tossed.


        Do you have a neighbor you don’t like or a bro-in law you’re on the outs with? 🕶


        Cured and smoked is a good deal. Listeria ain't dying in fridge temps but they ain't making it through a bacon fry and that's IF you contaminated the product after smoking. If it ain't colorfully molded I ain't worried since you made it, The Canning Queen.


        • tbob4
          tbob4 commented
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          This comment is worth saving and keeping on my fridge!

        Frying temperature would kill just about everything know to man on the planet. My laser thermometer says around 550 degrees in the middle of my cast iron skillet. I agere with the others, rub the white off, fry it up crispy and enjoy! I will be over in about thirty!


        • EdF
          EdF commented
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          Speaking from the "dry aging" perspective, wiping off any white mold with a bit of apple cider vinegar generally gets the job done.

        Personally, I would throw it out. I don't see how it is wort the risk.


          So Karon, help me out here. I went to Meathead's bacon recipe to refresh my memory on storing bacon. His recipe calls for wrapping in plastic wrap, so is there a benefit to wrapping in parchment paper? BTW, think I'll do a batch for Christmas gifts.


          • Karon Adams
            Karon Adams commented
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            nah, I just use the parchment paper because it is easier to wrap and handle. but we then put the paper wrap in a zip lock to keep it from drying out until we open that chuck (as we usually cure and smoke 3 chunks at a time, 5-6 pound bellies). this one just was shoved to the back of the fridge and hid behind condiment bottles


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