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What should I do with these?...

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    What should I do with these?...

    My wife bought what Vons (Safeway) is calling "Pork New York Chop thin cut" and these puppies are about 5/8" thin. Should I Give er all she's got scotty!? or do something else like fajitas. I would like to see what the pit has to say.Click image for larger version

Name:	thin cut pork chops.JPG
Views:	174
Size:	81.0 KB
ID:	55220
    Attached Files

    Looks like Vortex bait!


      I was just thinking the same thing Smark. These would be perfect for the Vortex. FIRE UP THE AFTER BURNER!!!


        High heat up to 140F internal, maybe even 135F.


          High heat because they're thin cut?


          • smarkley
            smarkley commented
            Editing a comment
            Yeah somewhere Meathead says to go right for the sear if it is under 1" thick... I agree.

          • Ray
            Ray commented
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            Great, thanks Steveo. That's good one to remember.

          Yeah, I figured to give it all I got Scotty Click image for larger version

Name:	seasoned thin cut pork chop.JPG
Views:	178
Size:	140.5 KB
ID:	55325 . I put some Weber Beer Can Chicken seasoning on them for a couple of hours and will glaze some BBQ sauce and serve with apple sauce (I have 5 year old twin boys) and steamed green beans. Cooks like this is where that Thermapen really comes in handy!


            They came out great, my boys ate 2 1/2 each! One thing you have to love about CA, BBQing in late January and its 72 outside! Click image for larger version

Name:	BBQ'd thin cut pork chops.JPG
Views:	177
Size:	89.9 KB
ID:	55350




                WTG man, those look great.


                  This played out exactly as I thought as I read through it, both the advice and the outcome! Well done!


                    Well, darn, I just pulled out the pork chops that I thought were thick ones only to find they're thin dudes as well. I've got them wet brining in Doc Blonder's brine recipe, just to give it a go since these guys are so thin. Plus I always use dry brine and I wanted to see if this works any better with thin cuts.

                    I was planning on A-Maze-N tubing them in the gasser, but now I guess they're getting tossed on searing hot grill grates, maybe with some pellets in the grooves, for the little good that would probably do for such a short cook time.

                    And I was so looking forward to low-and-slow chops. Oh well.




                      Looks like they came out great, and the advice about high heat / Afterburner, Vortex, etc. is exactly what I would've have offered.

                      Do the same for any thin cut steaks or flanken cut ribs ( Kalbi )

                      Good Job! and now you know


                      • LowandSlow
                        LowandSlow commented
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                        Hi Medusa,

                        I have a charcoal grill so I got a bunch going and put these directly over. I probably used as much charcoal here as I would to smoke a butt, haha!

                      Well, color me surprised. I had 4 thin (1/2 inch) pork chops. They turned out moist and delicious, when I was afraid they'd be shoe leather.

                      Here's what I did with them:

                      My method:
                      • Wet-brined in Doc Blonder’s brine (scroll down on the page for the simple recipe) for 4-5 hours
                      • Patted dry
                      • Sprinkled with freshly ground black pepper
                      • Flipped over the center two portions of the Great Grates (smooth surface up) and fired up the gasser.
                      • Poured Applewood chips in the other 3 portions of the Great Grates (ridged portion up) when the gasser temp (on gasser's dial) hit 400 degF
                      • Oiled the center portions of the Grate Grates with veggie oil
                      • Added chops at 550 deg F gasser temp
                      • Flipped every minute for a total of 7 minutes. Internal temp 135 deg F.
                      • Result: Nicely browned, very juicy, lightly smokey. Served with Dreamwood BBQ sauce for me and Jardines 5 Star + Killer for the husband.

                      I can't believe that these skinny little pork chops turned out so juicy! I'd eat my words but I'd rather eat another pork chop!

                      Last edited by fzxdoc; June 22, 2015, 06:20 PM.


                      • Medusa
                        Medusa commented
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                        Nice job, Kathyrn. I need to check out that Doc Blonder's Brine.

                        Sounds like you have 5 GG's on your gasser - correct?


                      • fzxdoc
                        fzxdoc commented
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                        Yup, Ed ( Medusa ), I've got 5 GGs on the gasser, 5 x 17.5 inches--they cover most of the cooking surface, leaving an inch or two all around the perimeter.

                        I know not a lot of folks wet brine their meat any more (I don't either, usually, preferring dry brining instead), but for those skinny little pork chops, it sure worked wonders.


                      • Medusa
                        Medusa commented
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                        I'm on the verge of ordering a 4th and that will cover mine. Spent most of yesterday dry-running them to work between 225 - 275. These could be deadly as I informed #1 that I could cook any big piece of meat on them. Guess I need to split it up between the gasser and the kettle now.

                        Can't wait to do reverse sear steaks!


                      I made this again last week, but it was total last minute. If you don't give time for that dry brine to set in they taste WAY too salty.


                        Kathryn Great planning and a great cook. Good for you and your hubby.



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