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Dinger's Ribs

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    Dinger's Ribs

    I have not had a chance to look at any of your recipes yet for ribs. I am sure they are all fantastic and I will take a look when I have more time. I have been working on this rib technique for about 20 years and alter it a little bit every time to see if I can perfect it even more. I have tried all different types of cooking methods, but really like this one the best just because the ribs stay extremely moist and never dry out on me unless I go too long on the last part. Everyone (even people who have their own best recipe) I have fed this recipe to says they are the best they have had. My wife and daughter wont order ribs at any restaurant because they are always disappointed. Enough of my shameless plugs and annoying bragging. Here is the technique:

    1. Start with a good quality rack of ribs (or two or six) Make sure if they were frozen that they are fully thawed. and get rid of the membrane.
    2. My rub is extremely simple and I haven't found a lot of difference by adding many additional seasonings. Add what you like on your meat. However, there are a few spices that I always add no matter what. Not adding these doesn't provide the same results.
    - Celery salt( for some reason, it helps)
    - pepper ( Just because pepper is the perfect spice. I use it on everything. Its an addiction I think)
    - Garlic salt
    - Chipotle Chili powder
    - If there are any other spices that you like, go ahead and add them. Or use your own rub. To be honest, I think what makes my ribs is the preparation and cooking method. The 4 I listed are the only ones I use all the time. and adjust the amounts on each rack to see if I can tell a difference. The Chili powder is the one I move around the most. Some people (my wife) don't like a really spicy rib, so one rack always gets less of the Chili powder.
    3. I always apply the rub one spice at a time and just go down the line of ribs and use the shakers that they come in. I let them sit in the fridge for at least an hour, but have left them overnight in a sealed bag.
    4. Here is where I will lose some of you. I know this is a smoking and grilling website, so feel free to ignore me if you want. However, I haven't found a good way to smoke or grill ribs without drying them out so I bake my ribs.
    - I take each rack and lay it on a sheet of foil which is about 2 1/2 times as long as the rack. I put about a half cup of water in the bottom of the foil and add about a half teaspoon of liquid smoke.
    - Wrap each rack loosely in the foil by folding over the foil and crimping around the three edges. You could also use two sheets, but I just use one long sheet and fold it over. I don't let the foil touch the ribs on the top, but I don't know if that matters.
    - put each rack on a baking sheet ( wrap them on the baking sheet so the ribs don't tear the foil when you pick up the ribs.
    - bake them at 175 - 210 depending on how long you have. I usually try to leave 4 hours so that I can bake them at 175.
    - I haven't really ever used a thermometer, but this site has convinced me to purchase one. I ordered it and will have it soon. I will experiment with the temperatures that I pull them out of the oven. The first time around, Ill probably pull them at 160. But will look at all of your suggestions to see what you do.
    5. With about a half hour to go, I fire up the grill to get it warm.
    6. When we are ready to eat, I pull the ribs and put them on the grill.
    7. I brush mine with BBQ on both sides and grill them for a few minutes per side. I don't go too long on the grill. This is just to sear in the flavor and finish it up.
    8. Serve and enjoy.

    If you don't want to fire up the grill, you can drain the water and take the foil off the top and crank the oven to 400 and bake in the sauce as well for about 10 minutes. Ill do that sometimes in the winter instead of getting the gas ready and all of that. They turn out almost as good, but I like the extra flavor from the grill.

    I usually eat them with some veggies or just the ribs. I love to watch people's face when the taste them for the first time. They are just expecting ribs. Not Dinger ribs.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Those sound like more of a TLC way to make good restaurant style ribs. Often they're baked then grilled. You can always make better stuff at home than a restaurant though!

    If you haven't yet, check out Meathead's Last Meal Ribs. You can do these the whole time on your grill on in your smoker. If you like the grill taste from your method, likely you'll love it when they spend the whole time on the grill or smoker. the trick is in the timing....the recipe explains how to nail it!
    Last edited by Huskee; January 14, 2015, 09:45 AM.


    • Dinger
      Dinger commented
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      I tried Meathead's Last Meal Ribs substituting the Chipotle Chili powder for the paprika. These are outstanding. They are the now the second best ribs I have ever tasted. I ran into the same problem that I have always run into while cooking ribs the whole time on the grill however. They got too dry and probably overcooked. Could be my grill, technique, or just my taste, but my wife and I still prefer the method I have used in the past and posted above. I am going to give it another shot at some point in the future because I still have a bunch of Meathead's rub left. I think for take 2, I'm going to try the smoker instead of the indirect grill method. I had my grill down on almost off and it stayed at just above 250. I turned it down the slightest bit, and checked again in 10 minutes and the flame had gone out. I'm going to do some steaks this weekend with the other side of the grill on the indirect portion and see if that side is easier to control at 225 or so. Either way, Im going to keep on trying because I do like the grill taste. Just don't have the technique down yet. The bounce test never really did what it was supposed to and the internal temperature was over 205, so I had to pull them. Ill update again when I have a chance to run another test.

    Originally posted by Dinger View Post
    Everyone (even people who have their own best recipe) I have fed this recipe to says they are the best they have had. My wife and daughter wont order ribs at any restaurant because they are always disappointed.
    Not for nothing, but I think pretty much everyone here has the same experience with regard to our friends and family, even those of us whose recipes and methods are extremely different from yours. That said, thanks for sharing your method.

    Last edited by Dewesq55; January 14, 2015, 11:05 AM.


      Thanks Huskee - Ill definitely check out Meathead's recipe and method. I've not had good luck with more traditional indirect methods of cooking pork, but will give it another shot with the new information. it has been a while since I tried to just use the grill or smoker. I would imagine I leave them in too long at too low of a temperature based on what I am reading.

      DEW - I understand that you are all very good at this. That is why I am here. I want to learn other methods and hope you didn't take offense to any comments I made about the feedback I get from my ribs. I realize that people all have their own techniques and are very proud of them. Wasn't trying to challenge anything you do, but trial and error lead me to this method. Like I put in the original post - I knew I would lose some of you when I put the word oven in my post.

      Happy Grilling all


      • Dewesq55
        Dewesq55 commented
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        I took no offense. I hope you didn't either as none was intended. I am very humbled by being here. As I said a few weeks ago, I was used to being the best cook of anyone I know by a long shot. Then I joined here and have been regularly blown away by the talent and passion of the pit members.

        My point was that pretty much everybody here is making "Q", particularly ribs, that is better than most served restaurants.


      • Eastonbeef
        Eastonbeef commented
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        Dinger, I will second Huskey on the last meal ribs. I found this site back in 2010 trying to learn how to make exceptional ribs. I nailed it the first time on a weber kettle grill, I was hooked. That being said, I am trying your method next, you definitely put the effort into perfecting it! Sometimes I feel like using this site is cheating!!!

      Dinger, you're in good company here. What we're trying to say is the playing field is level here, we all make the best ribs, etc our friends and family have had because, unlike most restaurants where production and profit are key drivers, we're able to follow Meathead's great recipes and techniques plus get further helpful tips from good members here. And if not for that, then it's the passion that drives us (and you) to do it again and again until you can't improve any further.

      Keep on rockin' out them Amazing Ribs man!


      • Dewesq55
        Dewesq55 commented
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        That's exactly what I was trying to say, Huskee.

      Thanks guys - I took no offense either. I appreciate the site and am happy to have such a great resource to look to for new recipes. I took a look at the Brisket recipe as well and have realized why my brisket is only great - not phenomenal. Can't wait until I have a bunch of time to look at the rest of the recipes on here. I have a feeling Ill have to limit my exposure so I can get my work done!!


      • OGMrWhite
        OGMrWhite commented
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        I find myself spending way too much time on here (not such a bad thing as it turns out since the family loves the results). Everything I have tried from AR is flawless, and provides a great baseline to tweak to your own personal taste.

      Originally posted by Dinger View Post
      I have a feeling Ill have to limit my exposure so I can get my work done!!
      Welcome to the pit! I was given my subscription as a Christmas gift. All I can say is it's a good thing I'm semi retired or I'd never make it to work due to reading all the great info on this site!


        Fortunately I'm self-employed.


          Dinger, Thanks for taking the time to do this write up. Well done sir, well done.



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