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Silver skin on ribs

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    Silver skin on ribs

    Do I have to take that silver skin off the ribs ? My wife and I both tried but couldn't get it off no matter what we did.

    Yeah ... you need to remove the membrane. Here is a video that shows how:


      I've found the paper towel trick works well. With the rack bone side facing up I just get a little bit of the skin lifted up from the cut end of the bone (I use a dull butter knife), then pinch it with a paper towel between your fingers and pull. The paper towel really helps you keep your grip.


      • smoke disciple
        smoke disciple commented
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        Tried that, followed the knife thing just couldn't get it off. Thanks for advice

      It's not absolutely critical to remove the membrane on the back, but it is nice. I've had most membranes come off, but there are those few that simply aren't worth the effort and time.


      Smoke disciple , it is certainly preferred, but not required. I seem to recall hearing that one of the famous Qers does not remove it.

      Of late, I have had a heck of a problem removing some. My issues seem to be centered around Smithfield products. I actually try my best to NOT by Smithfield pork products. I've opened some within the sell by date and had it be rancid, none of it smells quite right lately and I can't seem to remove the silver skins. Not sure why or what is going on.

      Cooked three racks of them yesterday and most of the skin had to be left on.


        Wonder if the butcher would take it off for me?


        • DWCowles
          DWCowles commented
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          Most of them will if they're ask

        Hi SD;

        Below is a snippet from MH's Last Meal Ribs instructions regarding stubborn membranes:

        Skin 'n' trim. If the butcher has not removed the membrane from the under side, do it yourself. It gets leathery and hard to chew, it keeps fat in, and it keeps sauce out. Insert a butter knife under the membrane, then your fingers, work a section loose, grip it with a paper towel, and peel it off. Finally, trim the excess fat from both sides. If you can't get the skin off, with a sharp knife, cut slashes through it every inch so some of the fat will render out during the cooking. Click here to see more photos of how to skin 'n' trim.


          Are you certain it's not already been removed? If it's that hard to get off, leave it on. Doubt you will notice much, if any difference.


            I've see folks trying to remove silver skin that was already gone
            Yes that is hard duty
            When we are cooking large numbers of racks (3 cases ish)
            We just slash em on a diamond pattern
            It's not as good as pulling but .,..


            • Steve R.
              Steve R. commented
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              Excellent advice!

            Around here at least anywhere that you buy ribs has the membrane removed. There's 3 butcher's that I frequent and they all remove it. I'd second what HorseDoctor said, I once bought some ribs from a grocery store and was convinced that the skin was still on. I tried to get under it and peel it for 20 minutes or so. Finally my wife took a good look and gave them her fingernail test and once again pronounced me to be a dumb ass, the membrane had already been removed.

            God I love that woman!


              Lesson learned from always buying pork ribs at Costco: Back ribs (so far) have already had the membrane removed. St. Louis style (again, so far) still have the membrane on ... but it's never been a problem to remove them using the butter knife + paper towel method.


                I cooked the ribs almost 5 hrs, I even wrapped in foil. They were a little tough but had good flavor. Wife ate some which is rare. I probably needed to cook them a bit longer.


                • PaulstheRibList
                  PaulstheRibList commented
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                • Dr ROK
                  Dr ROK commented
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                  I find on baby backs that they are sometimes a bit meaty for the bend test. I probe test works well in those instances.

                • Steve R.
                  Steve R. commented
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                  Yes, I have found the bend test to be a little unreliable for baby backs. The bones could be sticking out 1/2" from the meat and still no cracking while doing the bend test.

                I can remember my first rib cook. Used Baby backs from Sams. It was a three rack pack, spent 20 minuets trying to get the membrane from the first rack. Gave up and went to another rack and it came right off. Then realized that only two of the racks still had the membrane on. Really felt stupid. Now that I know what it looks like with the membrane I have no problem getting it off. I start in the middle of the rack with a butter knife on a bone and can usually go all the way through and pull from the middle to each end.


                  I have gotten confused a time or two wondering if the membrane was removed or not...that silverskin underneath the membrane DOES NOT PULL!

                  However, with a little practice, pulling the membrane becomes very quick work.

                  For illustration purposes, I recorded a couple of videos on how I've ended up doing it, with about 800 racks of practice in the last 3 years:

                  Here is a quick vid on pulling the membrane on a couple of Baby Back Ribs.

                  Here is a vid doing St. Louis Cut Ribs, two racks, from membrane pull to rubbing.

                  I love my little favorite membrane pulling knife!

                  #ThankYouMeathead #AllMyFriendsEatReallyWellNow


                    When I select ribs in the store, one of the things I look for is a thick membrane that goes from side to side all up and down the rack. Those are easier to pull off.



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