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Pork Shoulder Timing Question

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    Pork Shoulder Timing Question

    Hello - We've got a dinner party Wednesday night at 6:30pm and I'm making a 6lb pork shoulder into pulled pork tacos (with Meatheads Sweet-Sour Slaw recipe of course). I'll be cooking on my GMG Daniel Boone @ 225.

    I'm used to cooking smaller 3-4lb shoulders during the day on a weekend when I've got time to tend to the cook, start it at 7am and have it ready in time for dinner. Since this is a 6lb butt that will take ~12 hours, I think I've got two options:
    1. Throw the pork on at 6pm tonight and let it cook overnight. It should be done in time for me to pull it tomorrow morning before I leave for work, store it in a foil tray, splash with some apple juice/water and re-heat (serve leftovers) for dinner. I know the pork will be ready in time...even if it takes longer than 2 hours/lb to cook.
    2. Get up early tomorrow morning...5am or so... and let the pork cook all day. The risk is that we've got 4 couples coming over for dinner, and the pork may not be done in time - don't want to eat at 8pm while we all wait for the meat to finish.
    My gut tells me to go with #1 to ensure we have dinner on time. The pork is in the fridge right now covered in Memphis Dust waiting for my decision Anybody have any other solutions/methods?

    Thanks, Ryan

    I would go with #1, and add some of the rub to the pork after pulling it. Only because you've got guests coming.

    You never know when you'll run into that stubborn piggy that wants to take 17 hours to get to 203*. If it's for family, they can wait until it's done.


      Ryan, is there anyone at home who can pull the butt off the smoker for you? When I do butts that size, I use a set point more like 215 and go over night for like 17 hours. (I think the lower temp just means longer in the stall). So, you could start it at like 10 pm, hope it's ready at 3 or 4 and then FTC it in a faux cambro. But that assumes your wife or someone would be there at that time to take it off...


        Thanks guys. My wife will be home, so she could pull it off the smoker for me.

        Any thoughts on a method for taking it off tomorrow morning and keeping it warm and pulling it right before serving? I'm used to using a faux cambro for 2-3 hours, but not 10. Wonder if it would work fine, or if the meat would cool down to the point where pulling it would be harder.


          How did things turn out?


            Realized I never responded to this

            I went with option #1 and it turned out excellent! I pulled the pork in the morning and put it in the fridge for the day, then re-heated in the oven for dinner. Rave reviews!



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