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Raw Leg of Hog into smoked ham.

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    Raw Leg of Hog into smoked ham.

    I was given a rear leg of hog the other day from a friend of mine that had butchered a few of his hogs. I am planning on curing it and smoking it in the KBQ. The leg is frozen now. In Meathead s article on making the perfect ham. He says to remove the skin. What it the best way to do this?
    Last edited by Spinaker; November 16, 2015, 08:36 PM.

    With a knife?


    Sorry .. couldn't help my self!!


    • Spinaker
      Spinaker commented
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      Hahaha, knew someone would say that. Just thought it would be smarkley

    • smarkley
      smarkley commented
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      hahahaha good one! cdd315 took the words right out of my mouth... Spinaker knows hahaha...

      OH gotta show you guys sometime.. I got one of those BIG ol LONG 'Old Hickory' knives a while back, real fun! ... I guess I watched too many of those BBQ Pit Boys vids!!!

    • Spinaker
      Spinaker commented
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      Those guys are f'in classics man. I love their videos. smarkley

    Spinaker,@cdd315, Back in the Day, Before I Became a "SENIOR", when we butchered hogs, we scalded them Whole and Scraped them to remove the hair, top layer of Skin and other undesirables. The Pig was then cut up with the skin left on the Shoulders, Hams, Belly's, Legs, Heads etc. until they were cured, smoked or simply boiled the skin was left on until it went to the table! Later days brought on Skinning this makes for quicker butchering and processing! Thus Ends The Lecture My Children, and leads me to ask Spin was Your Ham scraped or not? Is there hair still on it? If it has been scraped you have a choice Cure it Skin on or Skin it First! As cdd315 said "With a knife". My Recomendation would to use A Short Swept Bladed Knife or an actual Skinning Knife! Turn the edge toward the hide and follow the meat arround! Have. Fun, Eat Well and Prosper, 👍👍👍👍👍. Dan
    Last edited by Danjohnston949; November 17, 2015, 07:52 AM.


      Danjohnston949 Thanks That is just what I was looking for. The hog has been scraped, it its just he skin that needs to be removed. If have just the knife for the job. Thanks Again.


      • Danjohnston949
        Danjohnston949 commented
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        Y A W , 👍👍🍀👍👍, Dan

      • smarkley
        smarkley commented
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        You must have gotten one of those picnic roasts... yeah that skin is a pain, but I usually cut it off too.

      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
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        If by picnic roast, you mean the Hogs that were left after our pig races at the Corn Maze. Than, yes. "Once they can't fit in the starting gate anymore, they go to Jimmy Dean." Or in this case, my KBQ. :/ Danjohnston949 smarkley


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