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the #WhoDatRibs Chronicles

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    the #WhoDatRibs Chronicles

    If you didn't know already, I cook ribs every time the New Orleans Saints play. I've got a pretty good streak going. Not as long as Drew Brees' 43 Games throwing a TD Pass in a row (and 95 of his last 96 games...not too shabby!), but it's a good bit and we're going to keep it going!

    Well, we have the remnants of Hurricane Patricia passing over today, bringing rain all day. No worries. My most rainproof cooker is #LilTex, my offset. I got a 2.8 pound rack of Baby Backs, which cook a little faster than the St. Louis I'm so used to.

    I'm hooked on the Cherry Rub from Simply Marvelous for chicken lately, and it was up on the counter from yesterday's chicken, so I thought, what the heck! Click image for larger version

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    Put them on a little after 2.
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    It was hardly my best fire management experience. My wood pile is not covered, so I've got the wet wood syndrome when cooking in the rain. No problem! We overcame, albiet with some spikes and dips in the temp. So "m not expecting my outcome to be at tip top.

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    They are progressing nicely!

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    And we've landed the plane!!! I love Mrs. Brown.

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ID:	117979 They were a little dry. The spikes in temp didn't help, I'm sure. And the lack of practice with Baby Backs may have fooled me and I left them on too long.

    I did the bend test (see video and they didn't seem done at 4+ hours. Maybe they were.

    Anyway, the Saints are now 3-4, and I'm proud to be a fan!

    Welcome to the #WhoDatRibs Chronicles!

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    Last edited by PaulstheRibList; October 25, 2015, 08:42 PM.

    Here's the video of the bend test at a little after 4 hours!

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    P.S. Oh, did I mention how much I like the new style Thermapen!!!! Backlit, auto-rotate, and it turns back on automatically with movement! And I think it's more waterproof...I hope.


      Don't see no video


      I cook with wet wood too, usually I just forget to cover my pile, or don't know it's supposed to rain when it is. I will sometimes dry a smoker full of wood while the smoker is heating up #goodcompany


        Looks money to me, Paul!

        I'd be proud to have that on my table!

        Any chance they could have stayed on longer- that they were slightly under, not over done?


        • PaulstheRibList
          PaulstheRibList commented
          Editing a comment
          Well, anythings possible, richinlbrg, but I don't think so, They were on there for a long time, over 5 hours if memory serves, and for a while in the middle they were over temp, like 300+.

          I just haven't cooked enough baby backs to get to know them as well as my StLouis friends.

          And maybe this was an off rack as well.

          I'm super bummed that my Albertson's just stopped carrying the Hormel pork, which was my consistent favorite brand.

          I guess we'll just have to keep practicing!

        I thought It would be fun to share with you the #WhoDatRibs cook we did the prior week, Thursday, Oct 15. The school I volunteer at, as I have shared with you before, is T H Watkins Elem. I mentor the 5th grade.

        We used cooking, again, this year to
        1.) build relationships with the kids (it's tough to "mentor" a class that you don't have a current relationship with, and this activity gives us a great chance to spend time with them doing something productive),
        2.) provide an incentive for following the school standards (cause a ruckus, don't get to help), and
        3.) teach them to serve - we cooked the meal to feed the parents and families.

        So, we packed up the huge #WhoDat1, the New GrillMeister, 20 or so racks of ribs and 120 pounds of leg quarters and headed over to Watkins, bright and early.

        The kids met us outside at 8:30, and we pulled the membranes, oiled them down, and put on a generous coat of Memphis Dust. Well, I'll let THE KIDS tell you why we were doing all this

        Click on the link for the short video of the Kids telling us why:

        Well, the day was great!

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        Here are the Principal and Curriculum Coordinator. Great team!
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ID:	118517 Ms. Dianna from Team Laundry World came and helped after work. She's worked in restaurants before, and she knows what she's doing! She lined all the quarters up with all the right side ones on one row, left side ones on the next. You'll notice that the rows closest to the edges of my #WhoDat1 are darker, because it's hotter on the edges.

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        The Saints played the Atlanta "Dirty Bird" Falcons we had to cook up about 180 Chicken Leg Quarters! You can see the ribs on the top rack.

        These ribs were still partially frozen when we put them on, and the bark was not set very well at all when we pulled them, 5 hours later smoking at 250 degrees. I've done a similar cook on this same smoker, and the bark set at 5 hours at 250. So maybe this batch of semi-frozen was the difference?
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        They pass the Bend Test...but the bark is soft. Come on! You guys know how much I love me some Mrs. Brown!

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ID:	118524 Here is GrillMeister at work. Full tray of beans, and 40 (maybe it was 30?) quarters. And Ms.Dianna teaching this young man how to work the tongs!

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        We cut up a rack to serve samples to the teachers before the Parents got there. They approved!

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        The staff serving up the meals for the parents to take when they finished the Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences. A Fun Bunch!

        Did i mention this was a long day? We got there a little after 7 am, and got home around 8:30. The Saints were already in the lead, and how did it turn out...

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        Well, in large part to the #WhoDatRib and #DirtyBird coverage provided by team #theRibList and @BishopofBBQ I'm sure... the Saints Won! This pic has Drew Brees and Benjamin Watson, the two stars for the Saints that night, and men of outstanding character! And they both Love Jesus.


        Isn't this BBQ thing fun!
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          Well, it rained or drizzled constantly for the last 3 days, and...we cooked outside each of them! Barring a monsoon, we cook #WhoDatRibs for every Saints game. Today: Pork and Beef Ribs!!!

          The Beef Ribs were small, so they will be the Crunchy Snack variety! 2 Racks of St Louis with Memphis Dust, and the one on the Right is Cherry from Simply Marvelous (ran out of MD, and I'm loving the Cherry on Chicken).
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          Love cooking the #WhoDatRibs on our big Insulated Gravity Fed smoker,E #WhoDat1
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          The Game...Wow!!!! What a Shootout! Drew Brees threw for over 500 Yards, and 7 TDs! Won on a last second 50 yard Field Goal!!!

          Had a new #theRibList Family enjoying the fruits of our labor tonight, and another family that Loves Loves Loves the BBQ action. Lets see how they came out:
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          Bark Setup was good. Cooked 5+ hours at 270. The thin rack was overcooked. The two other racks were nice, lots of fat (video going on the Picking Ribs thread.)

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          This rack was, well, Great!

          Next rack...also Great!
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          Another successful #theRibList Day!
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            Sweet. 12-4 ain't a bad record!!!


              Looks jam up - and the game was pretty exciting as well due to the fact that both defences stayed in the locker room.

              I found this this am and sent to a co-worker who is a Cowboys fan to rub some salt in the wounds:

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                Looks awesome. Out of curiosity because my state ticks me off, do you have to be licensed to cook food like that for everyone?



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