My daughter came over for dinner yesterday and she specifically requested a pulled pork Thanksgiving dinner the week prior. Good kid that one J Long story short, I haven’t been able to use my Webber kettle for 3 years so I was excited for this cook. For full disclosure, I only had 8 pork butt cooks under my belt prior to yesterday (I mostly grill), four of which were low and slow and the other four were hot n’ fast (300-325ish degrees). Yesterday’s cook was done in the hot n’ fast method. This butt (actually half butt, what I mostly find at my grocery store…4.3 lbs) was the driest meat of any kind that I have made for as long as I can remember (and I’m pushing 60). Setup: SNS with water (replenished as needed), 40 lit Kingsford blue on top of 40 unlit KFB. Pit thermometer and meat thermometer (Redi Check). Apple wood chunks and Memphis meat dust for the yummies. Each hour, the butt was spritzed with apple juice. Cook ran just a tad over 5 hours….meat temp ran a bit high at the end (Mark 4 instant read showed 205 to 207). Wrapped and then faux cambro’d for 90 minutes. When it came time to pull, it was flat dry….no unctuous fat and collagen. This morning, I went out to wrap up the foil layer used to catch the fat and drippings to keep the bottom of the bowl clean and there was next to no fat. Usually, it is a solidified gloppy mess.
I am at a loss. The previous hot n’ fast cooks turned out fantastic table fare. I want to redeem myself! Where did I go wrong? Now to figure out how to eat this dry pulled pork for the next couple of days
I am at a loss. The previous hot n’ fast cooks turned out fantastic table fare. I want to redeem myself! Where did I go wrong? Now to figure out how to eat this dry pulled pork for the next couple of days
