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Another way round th Post, ain't mad at Girlfriend :)

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    Another way round th Post, ain't mad at Girlfriend :)

    Okay, I revise my comment on the pot roast video, she's now representing my kin from "somewhere in the central part of the country". I still love this lady!!!


      She's a fine woman, and I enjoy her videos. This time however, well, she's a fine woman so I'll stop there.


        Well, no one is right 100% of the time...


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Certainly Not Me, Brother 'rarely' might jus be th more accurate/applicable term, in this here particular sitchiation
          Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 8, 2021, 09:40 PM.



          Ah, now I know the secret! Play a good banjo riff before cooking!! The rest of it - meh.


            Well, all I can say is about that hillbilly travesty of pulled pork loin is....

            Bless her heart!

            I've got relatives in the hills of East Tennessee, and imagine they would use a butt or shoulder like anyone else. And make it on a smoker...
            Last edited by jfmorris; September 8, 2021, 07:57 AM.


              Girlfriend on youtube/video great idea. Turn on and off at will. You the man Mr. Bones


                I must admit I'm rather surprised by th amount of negativity an resistantance this video seemed to invoke...sry

                I mean, c'mon...y'all growed up with Pot Roast, didn't ya? Was that an atrocity, or a crime?

                Chuck, round, rump, it went kerplunk into th pot, long with some vegetables, an made fer some good tucker, come long bout supper time...

                Rebecca ain't doin no different, exceptin usin pork, insteada beef.. 'Braised Pork Roast', is that a "Bad Thing"?

                I know this is a Barbecue site, an that is our primary focus, but: we see Plenty of other techniques featured, an focused upon, to much acclaim. I rejoice in th learnin new things...

                Lemme axe yall this: Okay, so I vac seal, an cook my pork butt, or loin in a bag, sou vide x hrs, at x °F...that's all Kewl, a'ight? Totally acceptable, but let some water, or broth touch my butt, an WHAMMO!!!

                Sumpin bout not havin that bag freakin yall out???GTFOI,'d be my best recommend...
                Least she didn't dump a dose, or two of Liquid Smoke all up into it, which I dang shore woulda LOL!

                Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 8, 2021, 04:13 PM.


                • bbqLuv
                  bbqLuv commented
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                  I don't know Mr. Bones Without Liquid Smoke, how can it be the "Best in the World"?

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  bbqLuv , Technically,reckon it cain't, but leave us'ns not tell her, let her have her day... kindness never hurt nobody, that I know of...
                  Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 8, 2021, 12:12 PM.

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  CaptainMike never once mistook yer comment fer bein negative, Brother!

                That is what I would call "Mom food". I grew up on food that was mostly filling and hearty, my mom was not a very good cook so the taste was so-so. Other people's Mom usually did a much better job. Lots of boiled/braised meats, canned veggies, prepared foods. That's what was put on the plate and I ate it. Or sat there until I did! I understand raising a family and it's expenses. Not having the time, energy, and/or money to invest in fancy cooking. And most have fond memories of those times.
                One of my DILs is a Mom cook, her dishes are tasty but. She will use more spices and better quality ingredients, but it's still geared towards feeding a family. I have discovered that with some effort and the highest/freshest quality ingredients the results will be outstanding. Maybe I am a snob now, but when I see a canned ingredient I use homemade. Don't get me wrong, I on occasion make easy Mom stuff. I just made some blue box mac&cheese with some hamburger thrown in for the wife cause she loves it.
                I'm sorry but in my book that may look a lot like and even taste a lot like pulled pork, but the quack is not there. (not a duck)

                Wow, my apologies, this turned into a rant. I now get down off my box, acknowledge and celebrate our differences and walk away shaking my head.
                Last edited by ofelles; September 8, 2021, 01:14 PM.


                • CaptainMike
                  CaptainMike commented
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                  It's how I grew up too.

                • FireMan
                  FireMan commented
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                  Yeah, yer a snob now. 🕶

                My kind a cookin, after a couple hours ya bust it up & the brown stuff on the bottom is ok! 👍
                PS. I’d eat it, yessir.
                Last edited by FireMan; September 9, 2021, 05:39 AM.



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