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My Biggest Cook Ever

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    My Biggest Cook Ever

    Hello everyone,

    Next weekend (9/4/21) I'm doing my largest cook ever, 15 racks of babyback ribs on my 72" Santa Maria by Lone Star Grillz. This spring I did a smaller run (9 racks), and used the 2-2-1 methods as a guideline, keeping my grate temp around 225* for the first 2 hours, 2 hours in the oven@250, then 1 hour back on the grill to sauce & color. For the grill I use a mixture of lump charcoal and hickory wood. I don't go by time alone, but check temps and firmness the whole way too. They turned out great.

    We are anticipating 50+ people, and I'm also cooking BBQ chicken thighs too. Seeing the rule of thumb for ribs is 1-1.5lbs per person, I was leaning on the conservative side of 1lb per person, knowing there is chicken too, plus many sides. Based on my math, that around 14 racks, and seeing they come in 3 packs, I'll round up to 15 racks. Thoughts? Any suggestions?

    If I need to do more racks, I also have a XXL BGE and a large Weber gas grill.

    I appreciate any comments or thoughts that could help me in my planning or execution. I know there are many out there with good tips and tricks.

    Thanks Jim

    Attached is a picture from my spring cook.
    Attached Files

    Name, address, and time that dinner will be served please? 🤣😂

    Sounds like a great time is in store. Smoke on!!


      Were it me, I'd plan on 3, mebbe 4 bones per person, a thigh, an stuff em allkinda fulla tater salad, an yer Famous baked beans, slaw, etc. fer a starter...

      Guys gonna eat more, Gals most likely gonna eat less...teenage boys? Smack th back o their hands with yer tongs, then gently ask em to wait until everbody else has been fed, then come back...


      • jibennett
        jibennett commented
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        The teenage boys is a good point, they definitely clean house.

      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Above math was based on back ribs...
        Spares? 2, mebbe~ 3 bones, apiece...

        Sorry, my math skills are not a priority to me, on Sattiday, but I jus wanted to clarify my answer, Brother jibennett
        Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 28, 2021, 10:55 AM.

      • Richard Chrz
        Richard Chrz commented
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        What Bones said!

      I’ve hosted a lot of parties and have learned that people consume less than you presume. Two weeks ago I cooked ribs and chicken thighs (I am not joking) for 22 people plus sides. 3 slabs of St Louis cut spares and 25 bone in thighs. We had a couple of sides too. I probably could have smoked another slab of ribs but we had chicken leftover and nobody complained they didn’t get enough ribs.


        Unless your group are really big eaters you are probably looking at 2-3 rib bones per person when combined with a bunch of sides and chicken thighs. If you are buying three packs twelve slabs will be plenty for 50 people or so.
        Last edited by JeffJ; August 28, 2021, 11:06 AM.


          Looks great! Enjoy the day for all of it! I’m still in the learning phase of building up in size, so i don’t have a lot of wisdom, but, lot’s of good advice here already. Cheers to doing it!
          Last edited by Richard Chrz; August 28, 2021, 01:17 PM.


          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            Mr. Bones my wisdom is, I get to do this & the more I learn, the more I realize I know very little, but I want to know more, and keeping it fun, and letting the education move me through all of this. It has somehow transformed me a bit. But, hanging out with people like you who could orchestrate a meal for 3,000, keeps a person pretty humble.

          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            Draznnl how did it all work out? Following the results and feedback you are willing to share.

          • Draznnl
            Draznnl commented
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            Richard Chrz The Santa Maria is @jibenett 's. I, like you, am simply reading along here; waiting for a result; and drooling over his cooker.

          My experience is that with groups and multiple meats, you are more likely to run out of one meat and have left overs of the other unless you are controlling the distribution by you filling the plate rather than the guest.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            In th industry, it's called "Portion Control"
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 28, 2021, 05:10 PM. Reason: "

          The darn teenagers can screw up the math every time,,,,,,
          awhile back I smoked up 8 racks of STL’s for a cookout my buddy’s daughter was having and there were numerous other vittles to be had buffet style . There were about 20 /+ party goers.
          After about 2 hrs the wasn’t a bone to be found ,,,,,
          just plenty of smiles,,,,😂🤣😂
          So I’m thinkin’ ur math is in the ball park,,,,


            "...I'm doing my largest cook ever, 15 racks of babyback ribs on my 72" Santa Maria by Lone Star Grillz...."

            So. Jealous.


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Still tryin HARD to lalalalala ignore th
              72" Santa Maria by Lone Star Grillz
              , so's not to cause $ERIOUS DAMAGE to my poor ol bank account...

              So totally Not Jealous, here, not even fer one minute lol!
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 28, 2021, 05:15 PM. Reason: ficksed sum contextual errers

            • jibennett
              jibennett commented
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              You don't need to go big, but the Santa Maria and grate/heat control is amazing!


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