So I made the ribs. And yeah, if it were my last meal, I'd probably do that! I've enjoyed them for a few days now and was curious if any of you all strip the ribs of the meat and make anytihng else with this amazing meat? Tacos? Burgers? Etc?
Get a good burger bun or roll heat rib meat pile up on bun or roll add a few pickles some slaw, BBQ sauce chow down,take some of the drippings from your last pork butt cook (YOU DO KEEP AND FREEZEIT DONT YOU) Make a great jus and have French dip Sammy's pork style of course. there is really good slaw and BBQ sauce recipes on the other side hope this helps
Make a stew, like a kimchi jjigae or sancocho trifasico (google em), and drop it in at the end of the cooking process (as the meat is already fully cooked).