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what temp to cook pork?

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    what temp to cook pork?

    googled pork temp after watching: The Best Pork Tenderloin Sliders I've Ever Made | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K - YouTube
    The federal agency says it is lowering the recommended safe cooking temperature for whole cuts of pork from 160 degrees to 145 degrees and adding a 3-minute rest time.

    time for pork tender grilled to 145*F internal, and rest.

    Happy grilling to you and PBR too.
    Last edited by bbqLuv; April 15, 2021, 09:52 AM.

    I pull my pork at 140* and let carry over bring it to where ever its wants to go. I like a bit of pink and as much juiciness as we can get !!


    • JCBBQ
      JCBBQ commented
      Editing a comment

    Pink For The Win!


    This pork chop was pulled at 138-140f. I did not take its temp after it came off.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	7x91zNs6pV9Cr5WQ5o4C_2Ki6CDYJ0x58emUQsjjDkPviFjKqz69hAfXQF8xV0g6otuLQAF62Ykxg09nW0U_MGM7_WqkhmBHwHTbVxfPhkWQKMaMayQYwHiM7yvSS2ObN6duRbyVTdKCDakY4IOsacak96Jn5HTU5AsMVZObORomMp2zVfwjDPvhm1HvTL2AqHHproqzxVHE3aWBEw3jT62UVoyHahLceP1Y8p2GAOR5vit8YzzN0u3wQyyhvuZ
Views:	584
Size:	185.8 KB
ID:	1018222


      Tenderloin and chops I've always taken them off between 140-145.


        Well food safety is usually a matter of temp AND time. Not sure about the trichinosis figures as far as when it's killed but pork is WAY safer now, too. All that said, I'll never cook pork less than medium as I don't like it with any rare-ish part (texture thing).


          Between 140 and 145


            I aim for 135-140 after carryover, so I pull before that depending on the size of the piece and cooking temperature.


              Did you get the Food Temperature Guide magnet when you joined up? You should have. It will have that same info on it. A webview version of it is here:

              Also here's Meathead's recommended meat temps article (including the agencies' references) with lots of detail:


              • Richard Chrz
                Richard Chrz commented
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                I love the heck out of that magnet

              • bbqLuv
                bbqLuv commented
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                The magnet is stuck on my refrigerator.
                As I was growing up pork and chicken need not be pink, no pink.
                And that was the way it was.

              I am old and I remember when trichinosis caused real fear - worms would eat your brains, all kinds of horror stories. Even now I have some problems with pinkish pork - I know it is safe, but it is hard to get over something that terrified me as a youngster (my family was kind of insistent on the no pink part. My grandfather ran a hog farm for awhile and my mom and uncles and aunts ate a lot of fresh pork as youngsters). So my chops are usually on the dry side. I am working on it though. I SV them most times when I cook them; my wife makes a mean breaded and fried chop that is cooked to just past pink but still juicy. Without temp devices. She is an old school cook.


              • Oak Smoke
                Oak Smoke commented
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                Much like you I was raised in an old school farm family. Good grief everything was well done. Not only we're our pork chops cooked to death, they were sliced about 1/4 inch thick. I have no idea why the thin cut chop became popular. I still see them at the store once in a while. I'm not sure I'm even quick enough anymore to get one of those flipped and off the grill before it's over 145.

              • bbqLuv
                bbqLuv commented
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                Thin pork chops sure do cook fast. We get them at Costco now and then.

              • smokin fool
                smokin fool commented
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                We must all be related, I lived in those times too.
                My mother cook pork to death then turn up the heat and really turn it to cinders.
                Didn't need cutlery you could snap off the piece of pork you wanted.
                Roast beef was cooked to a drab gray in color, it was either stringy or crumbled to the touch.
                Don't even get me going on chicken, there shudda been charges laid for those crimes.

              gboss what you said. Of course, my SUWYC picture would state otherwise from last night. That was my goal and then technology issues in the house messed me up.


                I go to 140 for the win!


                  This is old news. The USDA announced that the safe temp for pork was 145F in their 2011 temperature guidelines. In 2011, they said:

                  "Now there will only be 3 numbers to remember: 145 for whole meats, 160 for ground meats and 165 for all poultry."


                  I used to cook pork loin dutifully to 160 - probably much higher as I had an analog dial probe thermometer - and hated it. Now I cook to 140, letting carryover take it to 145, and its fabulous.

                  I gotta go thaw out some tenderloins for my next cooking adventure!
                  Last edited by jfmorris; April 15, 2021, 03:45 PM.


                    Well that sure simplified the Food Temperature Magnet!


                      Went to order the latest Meathead’s Food Temperature Guide using the link on this site. Took me to SNS and was ready to buy, but SNS wants a $9 shipping charge for the $10 item. Can't we do better for members such as using Amazon where there's no shipping charge? Or ship by first class mail and should cost about $2.


                      • bbqLuv
                        bbqLuv commented
                        Editing a comment
                        nailed it. Good on you.


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