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Still learning

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    Still learning

    Picked up a 3.5# piece of boneless pork butt monday and dry brined until yesterday afternoon when I slapped it on the kettle for dinner. For the life of me I couldn't get the temp below 300...turned out not to be a bad thing since it still took 7 hours to reach an IT of 203. Had one stall at 160 and a bigger stall at 180 for about an hour. Using mhmd built a great bark and flavor as you all know! But, for some reason the bottom of the butt didn't bark up at all, not sure of the reason.

    Anyways practice was tasty and I'll try pb round 3 next week. I also tried my hand at making biscuits from scratch...I have a new respect for anyone who can make a biscuit. Suckers are hard too make pretty but bou are they tasty. Jalepeno and cheddar in the dough, make for a great side dish! Topped it all off with a bacon and cucumber pasta salad

    Looks Good!


      How hot was your oven for the biscuits?


      • Ernest
        Ernest commented
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        Sounds about the right temp. Are you using self rising flour or regular flour and adding your own baking powder/ soda?

      • somethinfishy
        somethinfishy commented
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        Ernest just regular flour and added both. I couldn't get it to fold into nice sheets to save my life. Layer down a layer of flour on the board spread it until about 1/2" thick and tried to fold only to find everything stuck to everything. Maybe too much buttermilk?

      • Ernest
        Ernest commented
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        Most likely. In that case use a bench scraper to fold the dough. Then freeze it briefly before cutting. Biscuits should not be pretty

      Looks good! Biscuits can be pretty tough, 9/10 batches are glorious and then that 1 pops up to keep me humble.


      • somethinfishy
        somethinfishy commented
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        I won't win any awards for good looks but I couldn't believe how good they tasted!


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