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Trying something new

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    Trying something new

    So, next weekend we'll be cooking again. looks like we are on a two week schedule. which is cool. we almost always have Bacon on the cure, so, every other weekend, that means BBQ. yes, I could buy more pork bellies, make more bacon at a time and wouldn't have to fire up as often. and if ANY one of you mention that to HWMO, I will hunt you down and STEAL every outdoor piece of cooking equipment you have! Then, I'll find you family's home, and you friends home and do the same to them. I am not a rich woman. what I do have is a set of very particular skills. skills honed form years of angst and payback.....

    Oh wait, channeling liam for a moment. PLEASE don't tell HWMO! I kinda LIKE this set up! This time around, I'm going to try something new. Sauce is SO great! and the more the better. it is very much a product unto itself. so, prior to the cook, I plan to take the lard rendered from the last cook and BBQ sauce. any and all fat and skin that was not eaten from that cook, and 4 fresh pig's trotters. a coupe of tablespoons of lard and some diced bacon and sauté that together. all of this then goes into the drip pan with a LOT of apple juice. when it comes off the smoke, everything in the pan is deglazed into a stock pot and simmered for a bit, then make the sauce.

    I am actually thinking of putting the trotters in the brine with the meat, rubbing them and smoking them with the meat at the beginning. using 2 in the stock pot for this sauce, setting the other two aside for next time. at which point, I will buy two more, brine them and rub them and smoke them, while putting the brined and rubbed and smoked ones from the previous clip into the sauce pot..

    and round and round it goes. brine/rub/smoke two in every cook. the two from each cook saved for the drip pan in the next cook while cooking two more on the smoker.

    One other thing is that the oil has other uses as well and is now flavored with BBQ spices. SO, I will begin skimming some off, then hang onto the oil for potato chips. the lard with the spices in the oil would make some marvelous BBQ potato chips.

    Karon... You are a very creative Chef. I'd love to sample your food. You cook with passion.


      And a creative writer ....


        Sounded like a Taken 4 commercial "what I do have is a set of very particular skills"


        • Karon Adams
          Karon Adams commented
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          good, you got it. that's precisely where I stole it. (don't tell liam, he has skills of his own. kinda) meanwhile the premise just seemed so, well, I have never seen the movies... We'll leave it at that ;-)

        • Ernest
          Ernest commented
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          Now you have no choice but to see them all.

        Well, I'll never call myself a chef. I'm not nearly so good. I do cook with passion. I LOVE cooking. Cooking is life, life is love, therefore (here is my science geek coming out) Cooking is love. the best part is, mistakes don't have to be forever. if the mistake is cosmetic, it still tastes good. if it in taste, well, there are always hungry critters around somewhere...

        Working on the videos was an outgrowth of deep thought brought on by repetitive tasks. Tires, a little glistening, and some good music and, as I finished off a batch of Brioche, it occurred to me, "cooking is a Sacred endeavor" that is now my motto. it always will be. and, yes, the videos are there. I just have to get OUT of the kitchen and learn the editing software. I'm getting there. but, if you gave me a pile of fresh stuff, I could come up with something to eat. but, give me a new piece of software that does everything BUT the cooking, and you find yourself climbing a steep learning curve. I'm getting there. When I do, I PROMISE to let you guys know. I have only managed to put up the one quick vid. it was a simple one shot deal with no titles. I have done a similar one for Dirty Sugar. I hope to upload it in the next couple of days.

        meanwhile, if you find yourself in Chattanooga, give me a shout. love to feed ya!


        • Breadhead
          Breadhead commented
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          Karon... Do you make your brioche dough in a stand up mixer?


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