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Jus - Chef Jean Pierre

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    Jus - Chef Jean Pierre

    Wasn't quite sure where to slide this one in, so Moderaters please feel free to relocate...

    Nice, I'll have to give that a go.


      I've got a pot on right now, should be ready to drain in another hour. Smells and tastes great.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Image 12-18-21 at 2.29 PM.jpg
Views:	237
Size:	126.1 KB
ID:	1144281
      Last edited by wrgilb; December 18, 2021, 04:33 PM.


      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Lookin forward to yer results, Amigo!



      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        This is very good, save it is not BBQ, cooked in an oven, but My Traeger will cook this with smoke flavor.
        Got a frozen bone-in prime rib. Just waiting for a clear day.

      • 58limited
        58limited commented
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        That looks good, I'm watching prime rib prices to see if they come down at my store after the holidays - might pick up a couple for both roasting and for steaks.

        My favorite quote: "sounds fancy but nothing is fancy about cooking anyway"
        Last edited by 58limited; December 19, 2021, 08:37 AM.

      • Razor
        Razor commented
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        After watching this I may start it on the WSM and finish in the oven. To paraphrase Harry Soo, BTU’s are BTU’s.

      It goes into the THIS forum. Get with it bro.


      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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      Chef Jean Pierre has to be the best YouTube cooking channel out there! So entertaining and unpretentious. I look forward to every Thursday and a new vid.


      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        Ditto, plus past vid's also too.

      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        He is so very talented, personable, an his enthusiasm is highly infectious!

        I find him Highly Enjoyable to watch, as well as a great teacher...

        I'd love to split a bottle with him, an cook some food, together!!!

      • STEbbq
        STEbbq commented
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        I have to agree. I usually don’t watch YouTube despite following some good channels (Malcolm Reed, Harry Soo) but I love this guy.

      Did he turn that into V-8 juice?


        I'm going to do this today. I have 4+ gallons of venison stock in the freezer. I made it the traditional way that most youtube and TV chefs teach: throw meat and bones into a stock pot. add one or two quartered onions, one or two celery stalks cut in half, and one or two carrots cut in two or three pieces. Makes a thin stock similar to store bought. For mine I roasted some of the deer bones before adding to the stock pot but not all: I was processing a whole deer on my kitchen island and basically set up the stock pot and threw in all of the scraps as I worked. I also added one 8" sprig of rosemary.

        I like the extra volume of veggies that Chef Jean Pierre uses, and caramelizing the onions will definitely amp up the flavor. I'll have to decide about the tomato but what I think I'm going to do is add a 12 oz can of tomato paste to the onions when they are caramelized and brown the paste too. I'll skip the tomato puree. In one of his stock videos he smears the meaty bones with tomato paste and browns them in the oven for extra flavor.

        Chef Jean Pierre's Au Jus video takes this flavorful stock and basically does it again with the addition of garlic and some herbs to concentrate even more flavor:

        Last edited by 58limited; December 19, 2021, 08:29 AM.


          Originally posted by IFindZeroBadCooks View Post
          So watching this I got to thinking, why take the oven to 500 versus using the broiler?


          • STEbbq
            STEbbq commented
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            I don’t see a huge difference either. If I had to guess, he’s simplifying for folks that may not know to turn their broiler on. I had to look it up!

          • 58limited
            58limited commented
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            My only broiler is a slide out drawer under the oven - a roast won't fit. But, I can heat the oven well over 500 to get a good sear on something.


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