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The Future of BBQ

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    The Future of BBQ

    Spurred off of the "Is Texas Brisket Dead" thread, I started thinking... (uh oh!)

    Food always evolves with new technique, methods, ingredient, and styles. For example, at least in my small world, an obsession with really complex dishes and plating gave way to "farm to table" ingredients and process... to the point now that I don't see how the "farm to table" concept can go any farther, it seems like that market is saturating (or will in the future). Similarly, "some people" would same the same thing about Texas style BBQ.

    So, my question. Where do you think BBQ and low 'n slow is going? Is it new ingredients (some random discovery that preparing Goat in a certain way is BOMB)? New techniques (similar to how SVQ/reverse searing changed the way a lot of us do steaks)? New fusions?

    Has anyone begun experimenting on this type of thing? I love the idea of fusions and bringing more Indian style ingredients into food... haven't played around too much, but definitely interested.

    I think this is a good question. I personally do not think low and slow is going away anytime soon. I also think that much of the different trends regarding the type of food will be generational. I for one will eat just about any food within reason, just not much that I do not like. However, I find myself always going back to the dishes that I like the most and that is what traditionally would fit my generation. As a new batch of folks come into the hobby who knows. I also think that technology will continue to evolve, but there will be those of us who hang onto what we know, alot like vinyl records...

    Good potential thread.


      I think we might see more methods to simplify or speed-up the process, to make smoking more available to those that don't have the time to invest in an all day or long cook.. Think blasphemy ribs here.


        me thinks low and slow will be around for a while longer . . . .

        "Smoked meat is the result of a method of preparing red meat, white meat, and seafood which originated in the Paleolithic Era."

        "In the Paleolithic period (roughly 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.), early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers. They used basic stone and bone tools, as well as crude stone axes, for hunting birds and wild animals. They cooked their prey, including woolly mammoths, deer and bison, using controlled fire. They also fished and collected berries, fruit and nuts."

        For 2.5 million years, humans lived on Earth without leaving a written record of their lives—but they left behind other kinds of remains and artifacts.


        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          They also invented band-aids to protect their knuckles!

        I find that putting smoked meat into some dishes really elevates them. For example, leftover smoked pork butt put into red curry lentils is out of this world. A lot of other Asian-inspired dishes benefit from smoke.

        I also have purchased a number of Persian ingredients and plan to do a lot of playing around with those flavors. I'm already seeing folks on TV BBQ shows using sumac fairly regularly. I think there are a lot more of the flavors to play with: pomegranate molasses, tamarind, sour lime, fennugreek, etc.


          I'm with DavidNorcross in that food, like fashion, entertainment, etc., trends. It is generational and regional, especially in a melting pot like the USA. BBQ will evolve with the tastes of the consumer and the innovation of the proprietor trying to catch that lightning in a bottle of BBQ sauce, or demi-glace if one prefers.
          Last edited by CaptainMike; October 5, 2021, 06:05 PM.


            It's really already happening. First, barbecue is beginning to graduate from food trucks and "joints" to full blown restaurants complete with bars and wait staff. A variety of proteins and "daily specials" from the mundane to the exotic are creeping into the menus. Region type cuisines are also fusing with barbecue staples like Vietnamese Bahn Mi sandwiches made with pork belly or brisket burnt ends. Mexican tacos of all manner can be stuffed with traditional barbecue. The variety and styles are endless and as creative as the chefs want them to be. I look forward to this new wave.

            Preserve the old, bring in the new I say !!!!


            • Richard Chrz
              Richard Chrz commented
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              To follow up a bit. I am already lining up various cultural differences in food, such a lady who is from Philippines she will bring her food and teach me how to cook it, I will teach her how we would do that on the grill. I also have one lady who gives classes who is Hmong, and we will do the same, crossing as many cultural styles as possible, and then add the grill or smoke style.

            • jhoskins
              jhoskins commented
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              This is super interesting! I'd love to have some cross-cultural exchange directly with BBQ, great idea. That is the type of melting pot diffusion that makes culinary experiences so interesting (especially in America where so many significant cross-cultural stuff has been developed!)

            Agree with Troutman , we have been seeing this trend for some time. I already kind of consider myself "old school" because the most technological I will get is using a digital probe/thermometer. That said, while I am proud of the fact that nobody near me will starve if the zombie apocalypse happened tomorrow, I do enjoy the bbq "fusion" we are seeing evolve all over the place.


              The only detriment to low n slow in my opinion is uber eats and skip the dishes
              My kids are hungry and 15-20 later a car pulls up with they’re meal
              We’re living in a time of instant gratification and kids/ people want they’re meal now and aren’t willing to spend 8-14 hours to cook
              Not the case for everyone so far but going in that direction


              • Murdy
                Murdy commented
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                I can think of more than a few times that I ended up putting on a frozen pizza while waiting for something else to finish up in the smoker.

              There are those of us older folks who like tradition. Some things don't need improvement and have endured over decades. Mom's spaghetti, Grandma's roast turkey, my wife's pot roast....they are recipes passed down thru generations.

              BBQ is the same way to me. I like old-fashion slow smoked brisket, ribs, shoulders, sausages, etc as long as it is cooked good.
              Perhaps those who try to 'fuse' BBQ with food from other countries just don't cook it well and are covering up their deficiencies.

              If I wanted Vietnamese food (which I haven't since the war) I would go to a Vietnamese restaurant.


                Troutman makes some great points here........ the BBQ scene is certainly changing. I tend to think for the better and maybe not so much better. I love how BBQ and different cuisines are coming together. For one, I love to make brisket or Smoked carnitas tacos. They are so good that it might be my favorite thing to put together for family and friends.

                When I pair meats with my sister-in-laws' Mexican and Spanish cooking, it is out of this world good. She is Mexican and Spanish and we have had a great time combining different things that she learned from her grandma and mother when she was growing up. From tacos, Fideo, tostadas, empanadas to Spanish rice, paella and combining brisket with bravas.

                There are a few trends that I am not completely on board with. SVQ and pellet smokers/grills being some of them. Not that I have anything against the food at all. It is good stuff. For me personally, BBQ is about the process. And I think those two methods tend to take the soul of cooking BBQ. Granted, I use a controller fan on my BGEs when I am in a bind, and I realize this maybe a little hypocritical. However, I always try to go manual when ever I possibly can. Cooking BBQ is therapy for me. From cutting the trees up, splitting the wood and messing with the fire.....that is the best part. Whether running my KBQ, kettle, an off-set or a kamado. I understand why pellet rigs are popular, most people don't have the time or energy to not use them, and that is is just not for me. I am glad the pellet grills have brought more people into the fold, I think that works out for everyone.

                The only other trend I am really not a fan of is speeding everything up. Sometimes we forget that it is okay to slow down, put away your phone, get off social media, simply cook, enjoy the process and maybe those around us. BBQ was traditionally slow because it had to be, now we are at the point where it is no longer a complete necessity, given all of the new ways to speed it up.. But is that a good thing? I don't really know, but I hope some of that low and slow soul sticks around. After all, I am sure a lot of the worlds problems could be solved, if people would slow down, take the time to listen and share ideas at a speed slower than MACH 5.

                Bring on the new and keep the smoke rollin......slowly.


                • Old Glory
                  Old Glory commented
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                  Well said and I agree on many of your points. True traditional BBQ is a process as much as it is the food. I think SVQ and Pellet Grills are just tools a different path to the same goal. I love trying food from different cultures. That Mexican -Spanish cooking sounds amazing!

                • CandySueQ
                  CandySueQ commented
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                  At least you're not praising the gas grill!

                I’m old enough to remember how bbq was used to make inexpensive cuts of meat very good by cooking them low and slow . There were smokers made out of everything you could imagine. The most memorable was one cast iron bath tub turned upside down on another one. I don’t remember anyone younger than 60 being known as great at bbq. We’ve come a long way already and I’ve enjoyed every step of the journey. I expect to enjoy wherever we go from here. I bought a select brisket not long ago. After it wet aged for a few weeks I cooked it low and slow. It wasn’t going to win a cook off, but it was very good. Those old guys new what they were doing, a lot of younger guys and girls know what they’re doing now. The future is in good hands.


                • StrikeBBQ
                  StrikeBBQ commented
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                  I did select beef short rib blades last weekend. Came out excellent.

                I think food trends go up and down. I hate to use the word fad but things become popular and then fade away. Fondue, Quiche, Blackened Cajun, low carb, smoothies, cupcakes, space food, haute cuisine, farm to table, Thai, Korean, Swarma, Quinoa, kale, Froyo, bacon in everything, Pumpkin Spice, coconut water, Juicing, the list goes on. I think BBQ is in the spotlight now. It may fade but it will never go away.

                Some food fads prove to have lasting strength, evolving into trends, which then, in turn, evolve into commonplaces — things that become so much a part of our culinary lives that we can’t remember when we didn’t have them, or imagine how we could have managed in their absence. Thai food is a good example.

                I like trying new things and enjoy foods from all cultures. I look forward to the evolving food trends but will always go back to the traditional foods.


                  I am in it for the traditions. Simpler times. BBQ is an escape from everything for me.
                  No doubt a reaction to a 40 year career in bleeding edge technology.
                  Meat, Fire, Smoke.....Ooooooohhhhmmmmmmmm


                  • FireMan
                    FireMan commented
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                    Yup, M F S!

                  New flavors from different ethnicities for sure. I already do that and will surely keep doing it.



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