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Measurement Conversion Chart

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    Measurement Conversion Chart

    This is a pretty cool graphic.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	241691523_10226961806740506_1925131295115867184_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=fjufVChHnFYAX8liYxn&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-1.fna&oh=f3e1d30893f26df3175aa5d9590ab509&oe=615FFD31.jpg
Views:	320
Size:	34.0 KB
ID:	1091189

    Click image for larger version

Name:	241657360_6593953313955968_8018420275659304295_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=OHDpcnGQGZsAX_ivbvx&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-1.fna&oh=6c30bafa9360862b43a02d6d79878134&oe=6160EA07.jpg
Views:	278
Size:	65.9 KB
ID:	1091206


      Really nice chart. Now if they would come up with another system to measure that was simpler and easier to use.🤔


      • Attjack
        Attjack commented
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        Perhaps one day but I've searched all over America and it simply doesn't exist.

      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        The metric system. Even Jack Daniels knows that. 750ML?
        Old Crow is my Litre.

      • Donw
        Donw commented
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        bbqLuv A little slow on catching the sarcasm in the posts above. Maybe a few too many milliliters of the Old Crow? 🙂

      That is freaking sweet!


        Metric is for people who don't like unnecessary challenges.


        • Attjack
          Attjack commented
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          This is true. Metric is an escalator and imperial is the stairs. In other words, metric is for lazy people.

        • bbqLuv
          bbqLuv commented
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          The metric system has to be metered out,

        Just printed this out. Will go on the fridge, held up by the AR temp magnet.


          Been pretty much 50 years and I still don't get most of metric.
          Mind you I haven't put much effort into it either.


          • UncleSpike
            UncleSpike commented
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            Yeah. We still buy a 4x8 sheet of plywood, not 1220 x 2440 mm...

          • smokin fool
            smokin fool commented
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            Even here metric is a 50-50 thing, go to Home Depot the lumber is sold as 4x8 plywood or 2x4 studs.
            In the case of studs the are sold as 2x4's in inches but cut in metric so they are slightly smaller. Buncha crap.

          • Attjack
            Attjack commented
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            Well, a 2" x 4" board here is also slightly smaller. Looks like we're both getting ripped off.

          Noticed one error...they have 1/3 cup and teaspoon at 1:1, and 2/3 cup and teaspoon at 2:1. Otherwise very cool.


          • jim1251
            jim1251 commented
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            didn't think of that Dan Deter on a phone or a small tablet it's probably a little gray smudge

          • Jim White
            Jim White commented
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            Well, actually, it is correct. The 1/3 cup has the line from one teaspoon AND a line from 5 tablespoons, There is a really tiny "+" between them, so it takes 5T plus 1t to make 1/3 cup. Similarly, 2/3 C = 10T + 2t.

            Just noticed that on the chart while standing in front of my fridge getting ice to shock some chicken thighs that were in SV.

          • Dan Deter
            Dan Deter commented
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            jim1251 no, it was on a nice big, high def computer screen. I just need my reading glasses for more and more these days... *sigh*

          Thank goodness for the metric system, although for cooking I do use cups, tbsp, tsp even degF. Remnants from a few years spent in Houston.


            Now what they need to do is expand the chart and do conversions to all the metric measurements. That would blow your mind !!!


              Here’s a conversion chart that’s been stuck on our fridge for years
              I’m better with Latin, but this may help some
              Attached Files


                Originally posted by Troutman View Post
                Now what they need to do is expand the chart and do conversions to all the metric measurements. That would blow your mind !!!

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Slide1.jpeg
Views:	220
Size:	49.0 KB
ID:	1091680


                • Troutman
                  Troutman commented
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                  Wow! That was some handy and snappy Aggie engineering !! Bravo MB !!!!

                • MBMorgan
                  MBMorgan commented
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                  Troutman - I've got extra time, Powerpoint, a collection of calculators (RPN, of course), and about 24 years of skoolin' (I think I might have quit after the 10 grade) ... so no problem!

                  BTW, what is this "Aggie" of which you speak? I went to grad school at UT ... 🤓 ... so "Honk'em Horns!" or whatever they used to say ... (it was UTD) ...

                • Troutman
                  Troutman commented
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                  MBMorgan Then you must be familiar with the famous Texas Aggies engineering department (akin to the Polish Naval Brigade). I'm told they still use slide rules to solve differential equations

                Now we need temps in F vs C and in cricket chirps.


                  I have a bit of OCD and noticed that both the 1/3 and 2/3 cup to tsp conversions are wrong. 1 tsp is not equal to 1/3 cup or 2 tsp to 2/3 cup. Escpecially when you consider that 1/4 cup is equal to 12 tsp.


                  • MBMorgan
                    MBMorgan commented
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                    To quote from jim1251 's comment above: "see the little plus sign in the angle ? it is 1 teaspoon "plus" 5 tablespoons =1/3 of a cup."

                  Something like this, Smokin Fool?
                  Attached Files



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