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Funny BBQ stories

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    Funny BBQ stories

    OK, now that we've talked about our initial BBQing inspirations -- how about some funny stories?

    My dad was a handyman, and did electrical work on our house as needed. Including the porch outlet near the BBQ.
    One afternoon, I walked out the back door of our house, and noticed the yard light was turned 'on'. Not seeing the need, I hit the switch to 'off'. Hours later, my poor dad went out to check the chicken turning on the BBQ rotisserie, only to see it stationary -- one portion of the chicken burned, while most of the chicken was raw. The porch electrical outlet was tied to the yard light! After hearing him yell out something-or-other, I felt guilty as heck!
    The lesson I learned was to pay attention to your electrical wiring. (Sorry, I'll bet you thought there was a BBQ lesson coming.)

    Another story involved my father-in-law (future F-I-L, at the time). It sounded like he was crisping some boiled pork ribs on the grill, but got distracted doing something else. The ribs ended up burnt.
    The worst part was every time the family got together and he was BBQing, the story of the burnt ribs was repeated. No cook should ever have to listen to their failures on a regular basis!

    The first time I tried to cook a brisket I dry brined it, injected it it, and rubbed ot with high salt at each level. After three bites I threw it in the trash. Like eating a salt block!


      Lol. This reminds me of an old topic, our old FAIL! thread. Lots of fun stories (and many pics!) in there.


        My neighbor, Kenny, and I rescued a gas grill from curbside in a neighborhood near ours. We replaced a few parts and that thing made for a pretty good gasser. We took to joining our two families together for Sunday night chicken. We'd each cook side dishes and we'd do BBQ chicken on the gas grill we recovered. We did this for about nine months without paying attention to the grease build up. We were in the middle of a cook and the entire gas grill caught on fire. We had nine feet flames, we had sideways flames, flames were going in every direction. I thought my house was going to catch on fire; I thought the rubber hose on the propane was going to catch on fire; I thought the propane tank was going to explode. I'm still not sure how we got that grease fire out to this day. Needless to say, we didn't get chicken that Sunday night.


        • Jfrosty27
          Jfrosty27 commented
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          Pizza night!

        As a twenty-something me and the boys were drinkin' and carrying on when I decided to grill some chicken thighs on my little Smokey Joe. I needed to add a few more briquettes so I grabbed the nearest stick to lift the chicken-laden grill off and wouldn't you know it, just as I cleared the cooker the grill spun upside down and dumped the whole load of the chicken on the ground. I grabbed some paper towels and wiped them all off as thoroughly as a half-drunk twenty-something would do and finished cooking. On about his second bite one of my buddies asked if I dropped one of the pieces of chicken on the ground. I said that not only did I drop one of them, but I dropped them all! They didn't think it was as funny as I did, but being country boys we were used to spitting out bird shot from the fowl we ate so it wasn't that big of a deal to spit out a little gravel.


        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          I am guilty of serving some dropped burgers and racer steaks whilst camping. camp cook - if you don't like it eat trail mix.

        Well, funny story. There was this restaurant called the Whistle Stop Cafe down in Georgia run by a woman named Idgie and her friend Ruth. Seems they had a cook named Big George who is famous for his BBQ. People and Lawmen from all around come to eat there because of the great tasting BBQ. Well it seems that
        Sorry doorbell just rang so I’ve got to go answer the door because I’m expecting a delivery of some green tomatoes for frying up.


        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          I'm going to wait right here........

        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          that reminds me of a chick-flick i saw once with my moms.

        Definite "stupid" moment. I had a gasser that used lava rocks on a grate over the burners as it's heat diffuser. It was a very hot day in San Jose, mid-summer, maybe 100* plus. I always kept a second propane tank "in case", but stored it next to the grill (lesson learned!). Also used the grill right next to a wooden lattice deck wall. I threw on a bunch of chicken on the hot grill. Back in those days, I knew nothing about indirect, so all my cooks were direct with all burners lit. Then went into the house ( we had A/C, so seemed like a good idea).

        After a few minutes I glanced outside and the WHOLE grill was in flames and the deck wall was starting to smoke. Call 911 first? Nope. Grab fire extinguisher? Nope (didn't have one back then). Rush out with tongs and try to rescue the chicken? YUP! My very smart wife called 911 while I burned the hair off my arms pulling the very charred, blackened chicken off the grill.

        It seems the spare tank had a faulty relief screw that popped out because of the heat from the day and being next to the hot grill. The flames were shooting out of that relief hole. That led to igniting the grease covered lava rocks, so the grill soon became engulfed in flames. Fortunately I had forgotten to refill it, so it ran out of gas pretty quickly. The flame from it went out just as the fire department arrived. Gasser and deck covered in fire retardant foam. BUT the chicken was saved!! Not edible, but Saved!

        I think the lessons learned are obvious. And of course my beautiful wife will never let me forget them.


        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          That's awesome!!! And I made a pretty good living, and have plenty of funny stories like this, from responding to these calls! It was always more enjoyable when the only thing harmed was some singed arm hair and a little pride.

        About once a year I do this.....and I can't believe it.....

        Flank steak, skirt....even sirloin......everything will fall into place, excellent cut of meat, perfect doneness, remarkable sear, and then I....then I.....cut with the grain instead of against it. Sigh.


        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          do that on every third trip-tip i cut into. darn stupid head i got. i usually blame vodka.

        Started a chimney full of coals on a brick foot pad that leads up to the wood deck that our grill sits on. As I was getting ready to dump them in the grill I heard the phone ring inside. Without thinking I set the chimney down on the deck and went inside to answer it. No major damage was done but I wound up with a perfectly circular sear mark in our deck. I've since painted over it but I know that I posted a picture of it here somewhere.


          similiar to those posted up above i almost burnt down a rented cabin in Big Bear a few years back. crappy gasser had never been cleaned. warmed her up medium high and slapped burgers on for about 5 minutes with the lid closed and things go FUBAR bigtime. i opened lid with my foot to see what was the hulabaloo and things got FUBAR'er. i looked at the spatula, i looked at the fire extinguisher . . . I spent the rest of the night cleaning yellow powder off everything and still lost part of my deposit. I can't afford to burn my own house down, let alone a rental cabin!


            SmokingPat Seems our fathers went to the same electrician school. I was visiting my parents new house one evening, when my brothers still lived at home. As I walked in, the foyer/entryway light was on. I’m a habitual light turner I turned it off. Only to hear my brother yelling, "Who turned off the #%$&@ light?!" LOL I obviously had no idea that the two were connected. He and a friend did something similar a couple years later. He’s not allowed anywhere near electricity or plumbing. And the family joke is that if he fixed the sink...every time they flush the toilet a neighbours garage door opens. LOL

            And now back to BBQ...
            Not mine per se but I was there.
            Was at a friends house doing some grilling & chilling...much chilling. ;-)
            Anyway, my friend’s gasser had a glass window. It was black. As light could penetrate it.
            I asked what the purpose of a glass window was if one couldn’t see through it. A few of his closer agreed... His reply was along the lines of, "Yeah, one of these days I’ll clean it."
            Sometime shortly after, he managed to destroy said window. Derp
            A couple weeks later everyone was back...using the same grill sans window. A dozen or so fatty burgers on there was the last straw...he had flames impressively roaring out it. While he attempted to clean the glass, cleaning the grill never occurred to him. O_o And while he doesn’t have to relive it at every get still comes up amongst those "in the know" after a bevie or few.



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