OK, now that we've talked about our initial BBQing inspirations -- how about some funny stories?
My dad was a handyman, and did electrical work on our house as needed. Including the porch outlet near the BBQ.
One afternoon, I walked out the back door of our house, and noticed the yard light was turned 'on'. Not seeing the need, I hit the switch to 'off'. Hours later, my poor dad went out to check the chicken turning on the BBQ rotisserie, only to see it stationary -- one portion of the chicken burned, while most of the chicken was raw. The porch electrical outlet was tied to the yard light! After hearing him yell out something-or-other, I felt guilty as heck!
The lesson I learned was to pay attention to your electrical wiring. (Sorry, I'll bet you thought there was a BBQ lesson coming.)
Another story involved my father-in-law (future F-I-L, at the time). It sounded like he was crisping some boiled pork ribs on the grill, but got distracted doing something else. The ribs ended up burnt.
The worst part was every time the family got together and he was BBQing, the story of the burnt ribs was repeated. No cook should ever have to listen to their failures on a regular basis!
My dad was a handyman, and did electrical work on our house as needed. Including the porch outlet near the BBQ.
One afternoon, I walked out the back door of our house, and noticed the yard light was turned 'on'. Not seeing the need, I hit the switch to 'off'. Hours later, my poor dad went out to check the chicken turning on the BBQ rotisserie, only to see it stationary -- one portion of the chicken burned, while most of the chicken was raw. The porch electrical outlet was tied to the yard light! After hearing him yell out something-or-other, I felt guilty as heck!
The lesson I learned was to pay attention to your electrical wiring. (Sorry, I'll bet you thought there was a BBQ lesson coming.)
Another story involved my father-in-law (future F-I-L, at the time). It sounded like he was crisping some boiled pork ribs on the grill, but got distracted doing something else. The ribs ended up burnt.
The worst part was every time the family got together and he was BBQing, the story of the burnt ribs was repeated. No cook should ever have to listen to their failures on a regular basis!