Weber Kettle, lid gasket, and Smokenator.....Perfection! Weber Smokey Mountain, 22.5", DigiQ, Cajun Bandit Door w/compression latch and door gasket.....Party Perfection! Makers Mark in my hand Ruger SR1911 on my hip
Ok, try not to laugh but I've been thrown a curveball tonight. Neighbor asked me to Q for their sons birthday party. No problem I tell them. The will buy a couple butts, couple racks of pork ribs, and some salmon to smoke. All in my wheel-house so I'm all good. Then the curve. The ribs are boneless and my OCD kicks in to a damn near panic attack until I tell myself, 'back off on the time and you'll be fine'
So am I right or am I missing a crucial point on the 'ribs'?
Boneless ribs? Maybe you have country ribs? If they are heavily marbled they're probably country ribs, which are really just chunks of pork shoulder. Cook them up to a final temp of 203F if that's the case.
Weber Kettle, lid gasket, and Smokenator.....Perfection! Weber Smokey Mountain, 22.5", DigiQ, Cajun Bandit Door w/compression latch and door gasket.....Party Perfection! Makers Mark in my hand Ruger SR1911 on my hip
Retired high school teacher and principal
Dr ROK - Rider of Kawasaki &/or rock and roll fan
Yoder 640 on Husker themed comp cart
Cookshack Smokette smoker
Antique refrigerator smoker
Weber 22 1/2" kettle w/ GrillGrates AND Slow and Sear
Rec Tec Mini Portable Tailgater w/ GrillGrates
Plenty of GrillGrates
Uuni wood pellet oven, first generation
Roccbox Pizza Oven
Meater Block
"Go Big Red" Thermopen instant read thermometer
Ultrafast instant read thermometer
CDN quick read thermometer
Maverick ET-732 thermometer
Maverick ET-735 thermometer
Tru-Temp wireless thermometer
Infrared thermometer (Mainly use for pizza on the Uuni and Roccbox)
Beverages - Is there really anything other than Guinness? Oh yeah, I forgot about tequila!