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Grilling Meat and The Big "C"

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    Grilling Meat and The Big "C"

    (12) Grilled Meat Causes CANCER?? (Watch before you grill again) 2021 - YouTube

    I love that kind of presentation from a reality perspective. Unfortunately common sense isn't as common as it needs to be. Nice post.
    Last edited by Uncle Bob; March 29, 2021, 07:28 AM.


      LIFE will be the death of me yet.....

      EDIT: and to help you remember, here's some more important science:

      Wine Prevents Dementia, But Scientists Aren’t Sure Why (

      Last edited by GolfGeezer; March 29, 2021, 07:28 AM. Reason: Adding more science


        Awesome post and information! I completely agree...common sense ain't common. I'm no doctor, but I would think preservatives present a much higher health risk than cooking over an open flame. It's almost impossible to fully avoid those.


          Good video and common sense presentation. My wife is one of the folks who is susceptible to the type of mass hysteria journalism he refers to - her mother is always telling her that we can't use plastic in the microwave, don't use aluminum foil, don't do this or that. I heard the grilling thing and overruled it - and thankfully, my wife prefers a LOT of char on her meat, especially hot dogs of all things, haha.


          • Uncle Bob
            Uncle Bob commented
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            Those of us that have had cancer are the target of a lot of the "hysteria". I could join suits for all manner of "stuff"; Agent Orange, Zantac, asbestos, and a couple dozen more products/circumstances encountered in life. Ambulance chasers and clickbait "journalism" abound...........
            Last edited by Uncle Bob; March 29, 2021, 11:51 AM.

          Dr.Berry is cool & his approach of common sense is needed. He’s a little out there with man eating meat for a million years & we have bigger brains cuz man eats meat & the evolution reference, but otherwise grounded. When man was given permission to eat meat (out of necessity) he didn’t/couldn’t eat it raw, hence ya gotta cook it & they didn’t have microwaves back in the day. Interesting comment about the sun not causing cancer, another common sense nugget.


          • Uncle Bob
            Uncle Bob commented
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            You might find his vid on nitrates/nitrites interesting as well.

          Great post and presentation. The same can be said when spraying glyphosate(ie RoundUp). Follow the label and spray away folks.

          Note: DO NOT spray on food, just unwanted vegetation. 😏


          • bbqLuv
            bbqLuv commented
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            NO RoundUp for me. I watched "The World According to Monsanto" many years ago, then more recently there is a big lawsuit.


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