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Poll: Hot Dog Posts - Keep'em or Ban'em?

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    Poll: Hot Dog Posts - Keep'em or Ban'em?

    ​OK, much like the cursed pumpkin spice, hot dogs seem to be taking over. We need to rein this in or the terrorists will truly win and make this site a paper plate, boiled ribs, and processed meat and plant-based food emporium. What's your opinion?
    Last edited by 58limited; September 19, 2021, 03:24 PM.

    Can we vote more than once?


    • 58limited
      58limited commented
      Editing a comment
      Actually I guess not. I set it up as multiple choice though.
      Last edited by 58limited; September 19, 2021, 03:46 PM.

    • Debra
      Debra commented
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      This one is easy.

    • CaptGreg
      CaptGreg commented
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      only if you are in Chicago

    I wanted to click keep them and ban PJ instead for the laughs, but I'd hate to see him go because of a budget brat


      Polls: keep them or cook hot dogs instead?


        I vote no to ban Panhead John, his posts make the others feel good about their posts. Panhead John provides a good service to Amazing Ribs.


        • tbob4
          tbob4 commented
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          Darn it - I read it backwards. I read "nab Panhead John "

        • bbqLuv
          bbqLuv commented
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          Mr. Bones posted, "+1 to what Panhead John said!!!"
          I didn't think he was talking about me, but now I am not so sure.
          I feel so abused, amused, and excused on a no PBR Sunday.

        • GolfGeezer
          GolfGeezer commented
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          Oh, gag me with a paper plate!!! Get a room you two!!!

        I can’t vote more than once. New feature request?


        • bbqLuv
          bbqLuv commented
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          I vote all the time, I just keep it to myself.

        • 58limited
          58limited commented
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          I sent it up as multiple choice. I guess you can't vote again after you post it.

        As a (thus far) informal representative of Th Tubular Steak Society of Americaâ„¢, I would highly recommend that you give serious consideration to immediately ceasing and desisting with any / all verbal and / or written pursuits that might be interpreted to demean, or denigrate tube steaks, in general.

        Many thanks, in advance, for your voluntary compliance.

        Have a Wonderful, Splendiferous Sunday, Sir!
        Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 19, 2021, 04:45 PM.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Uhhhhhh...... I don't rightly reckon my Esteemed Colleague, Panhead John could likely hit his own arse with a stick, or even two, once he uncaps th Jack Black!

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          I’m just happy I was called an esteemed colleague.

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Much Love, Brother! Panhead John

          Esteemed doesn't even begin to cover it, amigo!
          Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 19, 2021, 08:36 PM.

        The slippery slope fallacy isn’t such a fallacy anymore is it? (I realize this post is in jest)


        • 58limited
          58limited commented
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          Yep, tis only a fanciful jest. I love a good hotdog.

        • jhapka
          jhapka commented
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          58limited This community is worth the $30 a year or whatever just to have enablers for a pack of Nates or other weenies I don’t have to lament but can just eat and enjoy 4-5 times a year

        Where’s the "This thread is a dog, and not the kind that tastes great with a salad on top" option?


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Same barracks, but Gulfpit, Missipissi, 1990...
          They had actually been condemned, after previous hurricane damage to th base, but they shoved us right into them (An inspected us) while we'uns was waitin to go to Th Sandbox...

          Ya could hear th roaches clickety clackin across th tile floors, at night; they was average 3", an ya ALWAYS smacked an thumped out yer boondockers, afore ya put yer feets in em...


        • 58limited
          58limited commented
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          My unit staged out of Camp Bullis in Jan. 1991 for Desert Storm. We stayed in disreputable looking buildings called Hutments - basically sheet metal buildings with screen windows covered by sheet metal that could be raised. There was an oil stove in each one. They were an oven in the summer, freezer in the winter. Ended up doing summer training there twice also. I hope they have been torn down by now.

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          58limited We'uns arrived, Boots On Ground at night, 12 DEC90...

          Debarked from a pair of white 747's with Zero FAA or MIL numbers, jus a smallish Murrican flag on each of th lower vertical stabilizer

          We'uns were tol, by a NCF Admiral:"Gentlemen, I wish that I was goin with you...

          If Operation Desert Shield should happen to be reforged into a spear...


          YOU!!! will be Th TIP of that spear..."
          Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 20, 2021, 08:36 PM.

        Ban anti-hotdog threads.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
          Editing a comment
          Yup. Solid.
          Don't need no hatin goin on...

        I'd rather Banh Mi.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          I likeys what ya did, there, Brotherman!

        First of all, why not. Does not break any rules and I think they are fun. For me if Panhead John were not here this place would not be the same and would just not be as enjoyable. I know this was all meant for fun, but in all seriousness he has been a huge Blessing to this place.
        Last edited by DavidNorcross; September 19, 2021, 05:20 PM.


        • DavidNorcross
          DavidNorcross commented
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 never know!

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          DavidNorcross Address please.

        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          I liked this post PJ.

        C’mon folks, it’s neck and neck whether to ban me or not! I vote to ban me. BBQ Brethren is running the same poll and it’s a landslide over there. Y’all ain’t gonna let those losers beat you to the punch are you?
        Click image for larger version  Name:	B7B6EF29-CC33-4BB1-A622-B8A1E06D4FD2.png Views:	0 Size:	204.9 KB ID:	1097124
        Last edited by Panhead John; September 19, 2021, 05:56 PM.


          I am not dissin any member. And, as far as the splendid hot dog goes, ya can’t live without em.


            Back now, an one thing I'd like to address...
            A small thing, but it has remained, though I have tried to walk on, with my head held high...
            Yay, verily, still, it doth weigh me down, grindin my very bones unto the marrow......

            (Partial truth, actually; I have tried to walk, an it didn't go so dang danged well...truthful enuff, though, my head was Plenty High!!!)

            58limited ...Jus what th Hail do ya mean with a crack like that???

            At first reading a ZZ Top song came to mind.

            Despite my initial feelins, I have waited nearly 3 hours, as I am a Hothead, an didn't wanna fly off th handle, at yerself, or in front th ones I love here, yerself included...(pls, trust me, in this matter...I can provide references, an multiple Police Reports, if needed)...

            ZZ Top?!?!?!?!?

            WTH Kinda bullhonkery is dat even bout?

            Is dat th lil, tidy cubby-hole I fit into, in th rolltop desk of yer mind?

            Stump jumpin, ridge runnin, six-toed, banjo-pickin, corn-fed, inbred, brain dead Hillbilly???


            Sir, I am shocked...(means aghast, jic)

            Feelin purty marginalized, an alienated right bout now...:

            Click image for larger version  Name:	20210919_165435.jpg Views:	0 Size:	476.1 KB ID:	1097161

            Reckon ya know I'm jus yankin yer bobber, some, Brother!

            Peace an Love, from way th Hail out Here, on th Windswept Prairie, Brother 58limited ... LOL

            Yall stay safe, an be well!
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 19, 2021, 09:16 PM. Reason: H


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Reckon they's still good enough fer School Pictures Day, though lol

              Ain't no $#¡+...they's pics to prove it (not in my possesion) of several of us boys, over a span of ~ 20 years, all wearin th same School Pic Day hung up, in my folks closet, elsewise, fer safekeepin...
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 19, 2021, 08:07 PM.

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              58limited, I remember goin, on occasion, to unofficial Distilled Beverage Providers, oncet, in a while, with me Pa...

              Now, in Muhzurrah, bout anyplace they ain't some concreek, why, they's a tree.

              They all lived way back offa th road, an had several points of they drive visible. betwixt th trees...

              On they porch rocker arms, lotta em had penciled in th ranges, after they'd set there, an knocked out several boxes 30'06 findin it.

              Growed up like me:1 round=table meat.Fail? Arse whoopin
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 20, 2021, 12:53 PM.

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Cont'd Most them was also WWI / WWII Snipers, on accounta we'uns hadda learn how to shoot right, early on...Springfield Rifle was th most predominant, double barrel shottie, fer close work...
              Totally catch th corn cob thang...


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