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Simply Smashin Vidja

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    Simply Smashin Vidja

    I very much enjoyed this one...



    • HawkerXP
      HawkerXP commented
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      No thanks.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Well, then.
      There, we has it! lol


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Mr. Bones "Or, if'n yall'd prefer...I kin start me up to Curatin some Hot Dog vidjas, fer y'all.."

      Yes Hot Dogs, More dogs, more hot dogs.
      Please don't listen to HawkerXP on this one.

    Don't read me wrong when I say this but since September '19 I have been smashing burgers. Not only do I rate my ability to put out a great smash burgers but my substantial "cult" customer base attest to the fact.
    Honestly am not bragging but videos like this don't get my burger juices flowing. Not that there is anything wrong with their burgers but I can tell you some don't have a patch on mine and that is not my biased opinion.

    I serve them 3 days a week from 16h30 to 20h00 or last order is done. Smash more than a 1000 a month.

    Now when it comes to hot dogs that's a different scenario. No need to listen to The Hawk...... feel free to post vidja 😊


    • holehogg
      holehogg commented
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      Hope I did not come across as being arrogant, was by no means my intention. I watch videos like this whenever I come across them. Sometimes I find something there to be learnt.
      Think my post has something to do with me finally recognising my ability.

      Was flipping burgers yesterday so had a belated braai day today. Burnt some pork chops couple T bones and cheese grillers. Sadly no boerewors. Sides were potato and green salad and a grilled onion and tomato sammie.

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Okay holehogg, Pictures and or video please.
      Are they really better than a good hot dog?
      If you give full instructions, I will give them a try, a holehogg smashburger.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Absotively, Posilutely zero arrogance was perceived, here at Firebase Bonedaddy, FWD.

      I was factory-equipped with a highly sensitive, an sophistimacated "Self-Absorbed Arsehole-Ometer®", which has since been meticulously maintained, calibrated, an upgraded, fer nigh onta 60 yrs...

      Have been cookin, includin Professionally, Commercially, an Institutionally, fer over 55 yrs...

      We Good

      I always watch vidjas, etc., on accounta there is always summat new to be learned.

    That was a fun video to watch. Thanks for posting it, Bonesy!

    In Virginia I have a 6 inch taping knife and a flat trowel which I use for turning and smashing, respectively. Here at home I just have a stiff spatula made for use in a flat top. It had a thick steel blade with a bevel on the front edge and one side. The other side has a reinforced corner where the blade bends out from the handle to make it extra stiff. I use that for both smashing and turning. Although I liked the idea of a cut off masonry trowel.
    Last edited by Dewesq55; September 25, 2021, 02:36 PM.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      My Distinct Pleasure, Barrister!

      Have a Great Weekend, Brother!

    Makes me want to try some on my grill grates.


    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      I do smash burgers on my GrillGrates rail side down. They come out pretty good, except the holes steal a few pieces of crust from the smashed side.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Good Luck, Brother!!!

      Pics, Please...


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