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Creme Brule French Toast

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    Creme Brule French Toast

    OK, I lied. I made a boule of Brioche yesterday. added to it, Vanilla (from beans, of course) an extra 1/3 cup sugar then, at the second knead, I added a pint of dried Papaya & dried Pineapple. Baked it off last night.

    After episode one, I remembered it is Friday so I needed breakfast for tomorrow(Weekdays are regular eggs & bacon or sausage cause HeWhoMustObey has to go tick people off during the week and ruin their days)

    So, for this weekend, we are doing the brule toast. here's the drill:

    Trim the crust from the bread (you don't have too but I find it is better) and slice into 1" slices.

    1 stick of unsalted butter
    1 Cup of packed brown sugar
    Cinnamon (optional)
    1/4 tsp kosher salt

    Heat in a saucepan to melt the butter and begin dissolving the sugar. pour brown sugar mixture into the bottom of a single 9x13 or 2-3 cake pans or 8x8 pans

    arrange the slices of bread in a single layer in the pans.
    1/4 cup sugar
    1-2 vanilla beans, scraped (or a tsp of extract)
    Cinnamon (optional)
    6-8 eggs
    1/4 tsp kosher salt
    2/3 cup heavy cream
    2/3 cup milk
    mix eggs, milk & salt with whisk until uniform.
    pour custard over bread slices.
    cover with plastic wrap
    refrigerate 1-2 days until ready to bake. I made three pans, this time so I used a few extra eggs. this will, therefore, be breakfast for two days, fresh both days.

    in the morning, preheat the oven to 350

    Bring the pans from the fridge and allow to come to room temp.

    Bake 30 - 45 minutes until puffy and slightly beginning to brown. you don't want to bake it too long or it will dry. but you do want the custard to have time to set properly.

    Serve warm or cool, as you choose. the syrup is baked in although I occasionally dust with powdered sugar & cinnamon if I didn't put cinnamon in the custard.

    this is a wonderful, warm make ahead for a winter weekend.




    • Karon Adams
      Karon Adams commented
      Editing a comment
      It really is. I stole this recipe and tinkered until I had one I really liked. anyone who has written a cookbook doesn't want to come watch me use their books. I consider recipes to be suggestions. It makes a great weekend breakfast treat (when I am too lazy to make doughnuts or cinnamon rolls) You'd never know that HeWhoMustObey is retired and working his retirement job and the kidlets are grown and gone.

      Now, I have TIME to cook and the experience to cook better and the money for quality ingredients! When the kidlets were born, I was making LOTS of pasta, and salads and Chicken 13 night in two weeks to use as a flavorant for the pasta and lettuce! Back then, I was pinching pennies hard enough for Lincoln's Barber to feel! Most of my pretended knowledge on flavor profiles is the result of making the cheapest things we could find at the grocery taste decent and different from the nearly same thing we ate the day before!

      Now though, when I cook, half the time, I am giving half the meal away. A young family next door, some very good friends a few doors away (they're the ones with the pool and the hot tub) and an older couple across the street. OF all of us, I'm the only one home all day who can cook, so I make friends with my stove!

      I'm also cooking while I can. in about a month, it will be time to install bees and I'll be spending at least one day each weekend in the hives.

    Saturday morning HeWhoMustObey is sleeping in, as usual, and the doggies are keeping me company. but that's never stopped me before. Just settling in to enjoy my Crème Brule French Toast and thought I'd let you all has a peek. so, here is Saturday Breakfast. at some point, I'll have a second slice with some bacon. just was too lazy to make any while this was baking.


      Hey Karon can you try uploading a fullsize image using the "paper with clip" icon at the upper right? I think you might have the tiny pic bug. This will verify.


        Is this better?
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          picture #1 Click image for larger version

Name:	Creame Brule French Toast 001.jpg
Views:	151
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ID:	66992 Click image for larger version

Name:	creme brule french toast 001.jpg
Views:	130
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ID:	66994 Click image for larger version

Name:	Creme Brule French Toast close 001.jpg
Views:	137
Size:	2.9 KB
ID:	66997
          Attached Files


            I don't know why they aren't coming through full sized.


              Darn it. You have the tiny pic bug. Check out this thread for the details. vBulletin is working on it, just very slowly...



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