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The Unspeakable...

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    The Unspeakable...

    I must admit that from time to time I may or may not enjoy some good ‘ol steak sauce with my steak. I just ran out of my favorite, Kinder’s Garlic Steak Sauce. Unfortunately it appears it’s been discontinued.

    What steak sauces do you all (hypothetically) use from time to time?



    • SheilaAnn
      SheilaAnn commented
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    A friend told me this is good stuff if you can find it:

    It’s available in Hy-Vee stores here...not that I was looking for it myself.
    Last edited by glitchy; February 2, 2021, 08:45 PM.


    • JakeT
      JakeT commented
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      I’ve seen that at my local Nugget Market but have been hesitant since it’s such a big brand. Maybe I should have more faith in Heinz by default as a Steelers fan!

    • Razor
      Razor commented
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      I like 57, but then again I’m from Pittsburgh...

      I’ve also been known to drink Iron City Beer.



    • JakeT
      JakeT commented
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      A-1 is definitely always a favorite...I just felt the Kinder’s was a step above.

    Kinder's is on Amazon Buying Choices: Kinder's Organic Roasted Garlic Steak Sauce 11 oz (Pack of 3)

    When I lived in the Bay Area I moonlighted at a community centre, located not far from Kinder's, on weekends. They catered there several times. Another CCC favourite was Fritz's out of Concord, however I believe that they are no longer around.

    Or you get it directly from Kinder's

    Roasted Garlic BBQ Sauce – Kinder's BBQ
    Last edited by ComfortablyNumb; February 2, 2021, 09:01 PM.


    • JakeT
      JakeT commented
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      Amazon seller has 48% positive rating which makes me feel uncomfortable buying from them.

      Direct from Kinder’s link is for their Garlic BBQ Sauce, not steak sauce. I pass the original Kinder’s and a few other locations almost daily and they unfortunately do not carry anymore.

      That said I still pick up some ball tip from them every once in a while! My work territory is primarily contra costa county (well...before Covid...we had to expand territory) and Kinder’s is for sure a local facorite!

    Ketchup. Yessir, the food Ol’ Merican standby.

    An next week, if yer interested, the ice’ll be rilly thick up here an we kin for fishin fer gators. They rilly slow down in cold water. Yup.


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      You and your cat soup!

    Delmonico's Steak Sauce is the Bomb! Unfortunately, my ShopRite no longer carries it. It's possible that my current bottle is the end for me. 😭


      HP sauce.

      As far as I am concerned no other steak sauce exists. And a expertly cooked steak requires no sauce.


      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        +2 on HP around here too.
        My wife loves it on all sorts of food, me not so much.
        I find its an aquired taste.
        ....and YES, all an expertly cooked steak needs is a knife and fork and even those are optional

      • holehogg
        holehogg commented
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        Yes Sir.

      • JakeT
        JakeT commented
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        My wife is a huge fan of HP. Her family is from Scotland and they use it like ketchup over there!

      When grilled, seasoned and seared correctly no steak sauce needed.
      Happy grilling to you and PBR too.
      Last edited by bbqLuv; February 3, 2021, 12:34 AM. Reason: to add PBR


      • ComfortablyNumb
        ComfortablyNumb commented
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        Hmmm, I would have expected you to work in a PBR....

      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        My Bad, I forgot the PBR.

      Peter Lugers....I like it better on a big sliced tomato and onion salad than the steak, but still good


        A-1. And it's great mixed into BBQ sauce as well.


          I’ve never used steak sauce. If the steak is really good, just my opinion here, I feel it doesn’t need any. Now I will admit this, on the occasions I have French fries with my steak, a little catsup may accidentally mix with the juices from the steak. More than once, I wasn’t paying attention, and my fork inadvertently slipped over into the catsup/juices mix. I didn’t notice it until it was already in my mouth. Too late then. 🤷‍♂️


          • JakeT
            JakeT commented
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            I'm the same way with twice baked potatoes. Again this is all hypothetical since I don't ever use any steak sauce.

          I grew up eating tough overcooked steaks that required steak sauce (or ketchup!) to lubricate them enough to get them down. That is why as a kid I *HATED* steak, and they would grill me a couple of hot dogs (tube steaks) when the rest of the family was getting their tough overcooked steaks grilled.

          As an adult, I've personally not used steak sauce in decades, assuming it is a well cooked steak and is quality meat. My wife on the other hand - doesn't matter if its USDA Prime NY Strip or overcooked sirloin, she sauces it up! I used to buy some Lee & Perrins steak sauce that was pretty good, but haven't seen it in years, so just get her a bottle of A1 and keep it in the pantry.

          In winter when I end up doing steaks in a skillet quite often, I find myself making sautéed mushrooms in a beef based gravy stock, and we top the steaks with a generous helping of the mushrooms and sauce. That's not the same in my book as a steak sauce though. And it keeps Yvonne away from the A1 too!


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            Same here Jim. Certain steaks, either a NY Strip or Porterhouse, I’ll sauté red onions and mushrooms with butter, red wine and a little garlic, then eat them with my steak. Delicious. But never a steak sauce.

          Lea and Perrins worcestershire sauce all the way.


            I'm in the no sauce group 95% of the time, but now and again a little HP gets added.



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