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Sticking with Frank's

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    Sticking with Frank's

    I was excited to see a local grocer advertising Old Bay Hot Sauce. We all know the Old Bay Seasoning is great, so been looking forward to trying their hot sauce. I think it was last year when that product was first announced, and went in search of it a various grocers. No luck. Just this week saw it advertised at Harris-Teeter and dutifully went in search of. Found it. I like eggs with my hot sauce and eagerly tried it this morning. Not much flavor to it...disappointed. I'm sticking with Frank's and Tabasco Smoked Chipotle.

    I recently bought a bottle of Secret Aardvark at Lowe's of all places, pretty good, been putting it on everything, definitely a bit hotter than Frank's, which has been my go to for quite a while.


    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      Secret Aardvark is more than pretty good IMO. It blows Frank's away although they both have their place.

    • Steve B
      Steve B commented
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      Hmmm. I gotta see if my local Lowe’s has that. Going there tomorrow anyway.

    • Murdy
      Murdy commented
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      It's available on Amazon. Several varieties. Pretty sure I had the Habanero.

    For a flavorful alternative I'd suggest you try Mezclajete especial; Ring of Fire ® Mezclajete Especial Hot Sauce
    Despite the name it's not hot forward, just subtle, and to my palate the garlic is a tiny bit forward, but a nice blend of flavors.


    • Bkhuna
      Bkhuna commented
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      I've been using Ring of Fire sauces since 1995. They are very good but a bit pricey. But they are "small batch" and the quality of the ingredients is pretty obvious. They use to make a tomatillo garlic that was out of this world, I wish they would bring it back.

    Some like it Hot,
    Not so much as I age.
    Nevertheless, hot sauce as a background flavoring works well.
    Thanks for the reminder need to pick up some.
    Last edited by bbqLuv; May 23, 2021, 06:46 AM.


    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      Are they making a hot PBR yet?

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      PBR white whisky, burns your tummy don't you know.

    My only issue with Frank’s is that it isn’t hot. Same with Tabasco.


    Tabasco and Franks have always been my go to hot sauces but thanks to this site I was turned onto Clolula which has taken over.
    Probably tried most of the rest but seems I'm done with the rectom incinerators that seem to be all the rage these days.
    Agree with bbqLuv guess I'm mellowing in my old age.
    Last edited by smokin fool; May 25, 2021, 05:50 AM.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Cholula is some dang good stuff, Brother! I always keeps me some handy...Fridge currently has Frank's, Texas Pete, Tabasco, Louisiana, some hot guts sauces from TX some handmade stuff, as well...this is strictly talkin yer basic stuff, not gittin into any my habanero, ghosties, reapers, scorps stuff, etc...

    • surfdog
      surfdog commented
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      There’s a bottle of Cholula in my suitcase right now...along with some Tapatio & a Louisiana hot sauce. Never know where I might end up.

    I like Old Bay as a seasoning for a few things, so ordered that 2 pack online last year when it was discussed here. I think we might have used half of 1 bottle. I just like Franks a lot better, and use it for wings and such - was buying it in gallon jugs at Sam's Club until they recently quit carrying it in that size. And as someone else mentioned Tabasco Chipotle is good stuff.

    My favorite hot sauce as a condiment lately is Tabasco branded sriracha sauce. I just love the flavor of it - its got more flavor than the other sriracha's I've tried. It's the bomb with a drizzle of yum yum sauce on something Asian, or on your pizza, burgers, eggs, etc. I've also gotten more into dried chili pepper flakes as a seasoning with the discovery of Flat Iron Pepper Company. I love their Hatch Valley Green with the grinder as a topping for popcorn, as well as food. The Asian Reds are good as well, with the hint of gochujang. None of them are too hot to handle though.

    On the subject of overall heat - I too must be mellowing in my old age. Used to be, the hotter the better. First buffalo wings I ever had were in the mid 80's at a place called the $3 Cafe right between Buckhead and Sandy Springs if you know the north side of Atlanta. Those wings you felt the next day, if you know what I mean! These days.... I like spicy but my body is starting to reject it.


    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      Every time I hear someone talk about feeling hot sauce the next day I'm thankful that concept is completely foreign to me. That must be rough!

    • Bkhuna
      Bkhuna commented
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      Come on ice cream!

    • gcdmd
      gcdmd commented
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      Just so it's not Jalapeno Blackberry

    Frank's has a lot going for it. I like it. Tapatio is also awesome, but I like the vinegar based sauces.


      I put that @$*! On everything.


        I make my own hot sauce. I’ve become a bit of a hot sauce snob as a result. I do like Frank’s and Cholula when my own is not available.


          Anybody else here make their own hot sauce? Last year's batch featured the Chocolate Bhutlah pepper. It's not pepper forward but once the pepper takes over - it's damned HOT. Starts out tangy, smokey and the heat starts to build and keeps building.
          Attached Files


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Perfect Mixture, reckon it's what they call a 'Controlled Burn'...

            How much fer a bottle?

            I do Ghosties, Scorps, an Reapers, might cotton me on up to summa dat action.

            I can see ya only gots a few bottles, so if they enough to part with, I unnerstand, Amigo.

            Meanwhile: Cain't kill a brother fer tryin, eh?
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; May 22, 2021, 03:49 PM.

          • Dalmore
            Dalmore commented
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            Mr. Bones -It's your lucky day. Turns out I have one bottle left that I labeled for gifting. But the intended recipient told me to give it to someone else since he can't eat spicy things because of digestive issue. Ironically, he is the guy who taught me how to make hot sauce!

            PM me your address.

          I agree. Old Bay is not hot, but it is flavorful, say my taste buds. It's still a go-to for seafood, where I think it pairs the best. And eggs. But I won't be buying any more, I don't think. There are too many really good hot sauces out there.



          • smokin fool
            smokin fool commented
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            I think you hit the nail on the head, to me flavour is more important than heat now.

          Thanks for the heads up on Old Bay. I’m also in the group who thinks Frank’s is mild, which it is. I look for something with at least a little kick. I’m not partial to burn my lips off, but do like hot! Tabasco’s original has a kick. Their "flavored" types are all mildness types. I have gravitated to some of the oriental sauce


            Have some Franks and some Cholula. Oh, and sambal oelek and some sriracha.

            I don't discriminate.


              Mr. Bones I just saw this at my HEB today. Has anyone tried the Slap Ya Mama yet?
              Attached Files


              • Rfhd69
                Rfhd69 commented
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                Nice! Their rub is great but I’ve never tried the hot sauce. Will have to give it a go!


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