Growing up nearly all pepper was white and powdered. My father would sprinkle a whole heap on the top of his hand between the thumb and index finger along with some salt and into his mouth. We never questioned this, it was as it was.
Up until his passing he would pour salt and pepper over everything without ever tasting anything first. I can't remember quite when but pepper became black and "freshly ground"
I'm led to believe that the pepper police (never seen but they were somewhere poking about in our kitchen cupboard, maybe even reading the expiry dates on our tins, when white pepper suddenly became non grata and we only used black pepper, "freshly ground".
You don't see recipes calling for anything but ground black pepper. What's the difference anyway. It's a fruit that grows on a vine and you can read all about it on the free side @ The science of peppercorns by Dave Joachim.
I have recently been using a lot more white pepper and am happy with the results. Especially in any kind of white sauce or derivative of that. I much prefer white pepper in mashed potato and soup.
I have not banished peppercorns from my cupboard. and am not saying that to appease the pepper police prowling my pantry.
The crack of a pepper grinder over a meal is still a delight and cured bacon's joy too.
So if you not using white pepper be encouraged to go out and buy some or you just might find some intruders to deal with.
Up until his passing he would pour salt and pepper over everything without ever tasting anything first. I can't remember quite when but pepper became black and "freshly ground"
I'm led to believe that the pepper police (never seen but they were somewhere poking about in our kitchen cupboard, maybe even reading the expiry dates on our tins, when white pepper suddenly became non grata and we only used black pepper, "freshly ground".
You don't see recipes calling for anything but ground black pepper. What's the difference anyway. It's a fruit that grows on a vine and you can read all about it on the free side @ The science of peppercorns by Dave Joachim.
I have recently been using a lot more white pepper and am happy with the results. Especially in any kind of white sauce or derivative of that. I much prefer white pepper in mashed potato and soup.
I have not banished peppercorns from my cupboard. and am not saying that to appease the pepper police prowling my pantry.
The crack of a pepper grinder over a meal is still a delight and cured bacon's joy too.
So if you not using white pepper be encouraged to go out and buy some or you just might find some intruders to deal with.