Help me get my boneless skinless chicken breast right.
I've never been good at doing just breasts and them not being dry as a bone. I saw one method on here for a BGE but I need to do quite a bit more than that. There is a restaurant down the road that does the best chicken and fish, it is never dry or overdone, it isn't hammered flat, and it has to have some intense heat to get the char they do.
Here is a pic of their chicken, a little hard to see with the sauce here. I think this one is a fish pic, same grill for it all though I assume.
If you don't want to pound your meat ;-), there are a few other tricks that are talked about on this site that when utilized can deliver a good boneless, skinless breast - dry brining, reverse sear and using a good instant read thermometer to hit that internal temp just right. The biggest key is the internal temp. If you pull it off right as the thickest part hits 165 the meat will be juicy and tender.
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
_John_ I have, through a few different trials, found that using the general chicken temp of 325+ works great even on blsl breasts. The quicker cook time really preserves more moisture. Sometimes I marinade, sometimes I use my rib rub or Southern Flavor, sometimes I wet brine. All that depends on how the mood strikes me/the family. But I always cook 325+ FWIW. Sometimes I sear them but usually not. Oh, and of course temp them 160-165 max, no rest serve piping hot.
Hi, my name is Darrell. I'm an OTR truck driver for over 25 years. During my off time I love doing backyard cooks. I have a 48" Lang Deluxe smoker, Rec-Tec pellet smoker,1 Weber Genesis 330, 1 Weber Performer (blue), 2 Weber kettles (1 black and 1 Copper), 1 26" Weber kettle, a WSM, 8 Maverick Redi Chek thermometers, a PartyQ, 2 SnS, Grill Grates, Cast Iron grates, 1 ThermoPop (orange) and 2 ThermoPens (pink and orange) and planning on adding more cooking accessories. Now I have an Anova sous vide, the Dragon blower and 2 Chef alarms from Thermoworks.
Sounds about like the way I cook it, but I usually get a pretty thick, tough layer on the outside. I'll give the reverse sear a try, works for everything else.
It's one of the only things I don't like cooking, it always turns out perfect in the skillet on the stove, and really good as a whole bird on the grill, but never when it is just the breast.
I need some sort of device that separates the coal in my kettle from the rest, so I can slowly bring it up to temp on one side and then sear the crud out of it on the other. Preferably with a channel to put some water in so the humidity stays up.
Hi, my name is Darrell. I'm an OTR truck driver for over 25 years. During my off time I love doing backyard cooks. I have a 48" Lang Deluxe smoker, Rec-Tec pellet smoker,1 Weber Genesis 330, 1 Weber Performer (blue), 2 Weber kettles (1 black and 1 Copper), 1 26" Weber kettle, a WSM, 8 Maverick Redi Chek thermometers, a PartyQ, 2 SnS, Grill Grates, Cast Iron grates, 1 ThermoPop (orange) and 2 ThermoPens (pink and orange) and planning on adding more cooking accessories. Now I have an Anova sous vide, the Dragon blower and 2 Chef alarms from Thermoworks.
Huskee recommended at least 325 F. I concur. In my kettle I'll use a full chimney of lit coals (on the gasser the front 2 burners will be on high the back burner will be off) and I cook indirect with a very brief reverse sear. I am usually over 400. The chicken cooks fast and indirect so it doesn't have much of a chance to lose a lot of moisture.