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Wartface gets propped at Stella Culinary for his brioche buns!

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    Wartface gets propped at Stella Culinary for his brioche buns!

    Includes a shout-out to Amazing Ribs!
    Ask ten people what they like on their hamburger and you're likely to get ten different answers. But let us pause for a moment and ponder what makes a...
    Last edited by Mosca; June 12, 2015, 02:30 PM.



      Way to go Breadhead!


        Woohoo, props to amazingribs from the GET GO!!!

        I don't know the muffin man, but I know two bread men. Neither lives on Drury Lane.



          Major Kudos Breadhead! We're proud for you!


          • Breadhead
            Breadhead commented
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            Thank you David Parrish. I've made Chef Jacob a fan of AR too. He likes to grill at home.

          • David Parrish
            David Parrish commented
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            That's what we like to hear. Keep spreading the word

          Thank you, thanks to all of you.

          I just thought Meathead's now famous Steakhouse Steakburger needed an appropriate bun to complement its greatness. Brioche just seemed to me to be the proper fit for that half pound patty. We designed it to be a half inch wider than the 4" that Meathead recommends we make the patty. That extra half inch allows you to hold it all together.

          Chef Jacob is a Master bread maker and my bread making mentor. When I told him I wanted to make this easy for beginning bakers to do in their KitchenAid stand mixer he was less than pleased. After explaining to him few of our target audience has any bread baking experience at all and we have to design a process that is very simple and easy to execute. He got behind my project 100%. He is excited about this bun too. He is going to be serving it in his restaurant. He paid to have the video produced, edited and wrote the show notes himself.

          I must say it was really fun collaborating with a Master bread maker. It took a couple of weeks and many tweaks to the recipe and the processes until we figured we had nailed it. This recipe is a true Brioche and requires an overnight delayed fermentation in your fridge. Mix it today and bake it tomorrow.

          I've also come up with a faux Brioche like Gourmet hamburger bun that has the same exact appearance but can be made in just 4 hours. I've submitted that recipe and its processes to Meathead for his review.

          Anyway... Thanks for your kind comments and I hope you all give this great hamburger bun a try.

          AKA... Breadhead
          Last edited by Breadhead; June 13, 2015, 09:27 PM.


            Great Job! Breadhead




              How did you find out about this so quick? That was posted on yesterday evening.


              • Breadhead
                Breadhead commented
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                I look at as my outdoor cooking guiding light.

                I look at as my indoor cooking guiding light.

                Both website's are geared towards science and techniques.

                They are very complimentary to each other in my humble opinion.

              • Mosca
                Mosca commented
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                Agreed. Add Chef Steps to that as well. Even though Chef Steps' recipes can be a bit involved for me, there are certainly others out there who would love to tackle that stuff. And there is still a lot of great, science based information there.

              • Breadhead
                Breadhead commented
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                Cooks Illistrated is top of the heap too.

                I got the idea for the rings to final shape the hamburger buns from ChefSteps.

              If you click on the link for the Brioche hamburger buns and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the show notes you will discover that you can also make Brioche donuts out of this same exact recipe. Mmmmm


                Chef Jacob posted this on his website.


                  Kudos Wartface! Awesome project!


                    Congratulations Breadhead! Well deserved for your dedication and hard work.


                    • Breadhead
                      Breadhead commented
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                      Thank you fuzzydaddy. When you're doing what you love to do it doesn't seem like work.

                      I had never heard of Brioche a few months ago. But when I Decided to come up with a beautiful bun to go with Meathead's 8oz Steakhouse Steakburger patty I decided I needed to learn how to make Brioche bread.

                      Chef Jacob is my bread baking mentor. Together we baked 100's of buns to get this just right. It was fun working with a Master baker like him.

                    Awesome, hope to screw up a batch or two of these tomorrow, and maybe get them right the next day.


                    • Breadhead
                      Breadhead commented
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                      You might be surprised how easy it is... Follow Chef Jacob's video just like you follow Meathead's instructions on temp control and his recipes. Chef Jacob and I worked hard to make the recipe and the process a no brainer.

                      Just follow the video exactly and you will have the best buns in your neighborhood.😎

                      Thank you for wanting to try it. I was hoping my fellow Pit members would give it a try.

                      Take pictures...
                      Last edited by Breadhead; June 13, 2015, 08:57 PM.

                    Originally posted by Wartface View Post
                    Just follow the video exactly and you will have the best buns in your neighborhood..
                    I heard the same thing said with a P90X video!


                    • Breadhead
                      Breadhead commented
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                    This isn't quite the original but should do since I can say hey Breadhead, I am assuming that is a name change I haven't been paying attention? Anyway I have been doing some other breads with the kids (challah and dinner rolls) and needed to do another batch of these, my fourth try, and ran into an issue that has happened every time other than the first that you can hopefully help with. When I pull these out of the fridge and portion them the outside seems to 'melt' and is very messy to roll up. The part where you palm them to roll them around? By that point the outside is so sticky that a good bit sticks to the surface and a bit to my hand so it is a spiky ball and doesn't get tight at all. Any idea what I could be doing wrong or to fix? I don't think flour would help, I spray everything including my hands, maybe a few minutes in the freezer after portioning?

                    The results are terrific either way, just curious.



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