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Fruit Cake. Yes or NO?

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    Fruit Cake. Yes or NO?

    We just received a New Years gift from friends of a home made rum infused fruit cake.
    My Husband is thrilled as he loves a slice in the morning during the winter winter with his coffee.
    He is one of the few people I have ever heard actually make the claim of liking fruitcake.
    He claims it gets a bad rap as most people experience the cheap grocery store brands and have never tried home made, or one actually made right.
    This one reeks of rum and he is on his third small slice at 3 in the afternoon.
    What is the general consensus on Fruit Cake?

    Homemade can be very good, especially if you properly infuse them with rum

    The commercial stuff is almost always crap.


    • Caffeine88
      Caffeine88 commented
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      My thoughts precisely.

    I had a slice once that was actually good, but have now given up on it...


    • Debra
      Debra commented
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      I agree! ONE taste was all it took for me to decide -- NO!
      That was years ago and my mind will never change.

    My mom made it from scratch every year for Christmas treats. She made it weeks in advance and wrapped in rum soaked cheese cloth that she resoaked once per week. It was outstanding.


    • Debra
      Debra commented
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      This sounds like exactly what we received.

    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      Same with my mother, mid November she was on it.
      Hers was more of a fruit and nut cake, plenty of pecans and some walnuts.
      Usually rum but once in a while brandy, even Irish whiskey.

    Only if it has bacon in it


    • HawkerXP
      HawkerXP commented
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      and Sprinkles!

    Recently I was given 5# bag of King Arthur and in turn gave it to neighbors across the way, a mother/daughter. Mom is in her mid 90’s. She has been bakin up a storm & giving me cookies once a week. Well, last week it was fruit cake. It was infused with brandy maybe, don’t really remember. But, golly bob hoddy, it was exquisite! I love her fruit cake.


      I don’t like it with chunks of fruit, but it’s really good when the fruit is blended up.


        November Oscar. Tango Yankee.


          100% Yes. Not that store bought bricks of whatever; growing up my pop seemed to buy them by the dozens. Maybe he was supporting the cause-i don't know.

          In my younger days I joined the ranks at a family-owned restaurant. Great folks and I still miss working there. Think they closed in or around 1997. The owners mom and MIL made the desserts and one was Edna's fruitcake. It was a mix of quality dried fruits, assortment of nuts and just enough cake to hold firm. It was slow baked in a bundt pan thus the slices needed to be slightly thin (think large slice of bread style, not texas toast).

          Ms. Edna forever changed my outlook of fruitcakes and I have been chasing that flavor ever since. My loving wife had come to make one that stands on it's own and I do love (I know full well the labor of making a good FC). I would give most anything for Ms. Edna's Fruitcake recipe. Maybe it is just meant to be a fond memory.
          Thanks Ms. Edna.

          PS: In North Carolina there is the Southern Supreme Fruitcake Co. Had most of there FC's and they are pretty good- I wouldn't turn one away. And their FC cookies are awesome.

          Fruitcake gets a bad rap cause there are a ton of 'bad ones out there. But when made right they are hard to beat.


            We get a homemade Fruitcake from my BIL every year. He makes it himself and it's very good. We wouldn't want it all year long but at Christmas it great!


              I've been looking for a good recipe. I had it once years ago that was amazing, but they wouldnt share the recipe and I've never come close. Hate the store bricks.


                None for me


                  I don’t like to eat fruitcake, or be called a fruitcake. My answer is no. It’s old lady food. #amiright?


                    All fruitcakes are not created equal.


                      Only fruitcakes I like are some of these Pit Members….well, actually that’s most of em.


                      • smokin fool
                        smokin fool commented
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                        Yup like the rum minus the fruit and the cake.


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