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Perfect SVQ Rib Eye's

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    Perfect SVQ Rib Eye's

    Well I'm starting to get my new PK360 dialed in and last night I did a couple of 1 1/2" thick rib eye's that we cut from a roast.

    I did the Sous Vide in our Instant Pot for 3 1/2hours at 134. Salt and pepper plus a sprig of thyme in the vac bag.

    When the Sous Vide was complete I put them in the freezer for about 1/2 hour.

    Got the PK going for low and slow then smoked the steaks for 45 min with a chunk of hickory. Then did the reverse sear. and finally ate.

    Sorry but as usual I forgot to take any pictures. My wife said it was the best steak she has ever had and I agree. Perfectly done and so flavorful.

    I like the, "finally ate" comment.


      I got an Insta pot have not tried to Sous Vide with it.
      Thanks for the idea.


      • blakerandy
        blakerandy commented
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        We use our Instant Pot at least 3 time a week. I upgraded to the model that does the Sous Vide and am loving it.

      • efincoop
        efincoop commented
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        +1 with bbqLuv. I'm guessing this is just newer/newest models?

      I prep our steaks with tenderizer, pepper, "Ass Kickin" Honey Chipoltle seasoning, some minced garlic, liquid smoke, and about 2 t of whisky per side, work it in with a fork, and then put a light coat of olive oil on it. Vacuum seal it and let it marinate for 24 hrs, then either freeze them or cook them. Sous-vide at 131F for anywhere from 2 - 4 hrs and then just sear them. It might be interesting trying the ice bath and then smoking them for a while. but I would need to be careful. My wife likes her steaks med-rare.


      • efincoop
        efincoop commented
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        Drop your sous vide temp to 125. That should provide you with a little buffer.

      • fzxdoc
        fzxdoc commented
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        Sous vide below 130° can be risky due to food safety issues and is generally not recommended for long cooks. Short cooks only. As this site says, cooking below 130° is like leaving the meat out on the counter: .

        Just FYI. You do you, though, as they used to say.

        Last edited by fzxdoc; December 21, 2021, 12:02 PM.


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