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Smoke a Top Sirloin, Cap, Coulotte?

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    Smoke a Top Sirloin, Cap, Coulotte?

    I recently purchased a half grass fed and finished Angus Steer with my buddy and there are a few cuts that are unfamiliar to me. I need to smoke something this weekend and I was going to use this cut and use Meatheads awesome brisket recipe that has never failed me. Any words of caution or advice?

    I have no idea but needed to comment. 2 posts in 5 years?!


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      2 posts in 5 years? Are you an accountant? Perhaps a tracker or a scorekeeper?

      I advise smoking all of them. I caution against smoking all of them. Hope that helps.

    Do not cook that like a brisket. That is also known as the pichana and should be cooked like a tri tip or rib roast, i.e. 225-250 until IT of 125 or so then sear it off. Or do it Gaucho-style and cut into 1" steaks, skewer, then roast over an open fire until medium rare. I like to serve with chimichurri or salsa criolla .


    • Dadof3Illinois
      Dadof3Illinois commented
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      When I find a pichana that has the fat cap removed they seem to call it a coulotte.

    What he said. 👍


      Ok, ok... i guess I've been a reader rather than a sharer. I have learned so much from everyone and I really appreciate the guidance and content on the site. I’ll try and do better...


        When I was a meat cutter, we'd take the cap and cut it into 1" strips. Can do a lot of things with that. But then I went to a Brazilian joint and saw the whole cap on a skewer - I cooked it like a tri-tip and liked it a lot. It's really part of the sirloin, so whatever you'd do with that you can do with the cap - stir fry?


          It’s a steak, treat it like you would any steak. Do not cremate it.


            If you have a rotisserie, try to take it for a spin. Look up pichana. If you’ve been to a Brazilian steakhouse, you’ve probably had it. If you haven’t been to a Brazilian steakhouse, give one a shot, but go hungry!


              Like above, do not smoke it, it is a steak, a really good one!


                Here's a whole roast I do as routine, it's our favorite cut of beef. Either front or reverse sear and roast until medium rare (or whatever your finish preference is);

                Click image for larger version

Name:	picanha 02.jpg
Views:	1205
Size:	127.5 KB
ID:	1016721


                  Nothing wrong with a few fact, I’d say you’re in the right group to get drawn for the giveaway!


                    Try the teres major cut. It's hard to find, but equally good and not expensive. One of my favorite restaurant serves it sliced and it's as nearly as good as a ny sirloin properly.


                      As long as you are supporting the site by paying dues, feel free to take as much as you want.

                      Some folks like to post, some folks don't. It's all good.


                        Personally i think I would first try to identfie those cuts. As they would change the way you cook them. Smoke chuck roast is great table fair. ( highly recomeded ) There are some exclent tip's on here how to smoke a chuckie. But I would not cook it as I do a steak. It's been many years since purchasing a side of beef but all the packageing was labled.
                        You may have to unpackage to decide what cuts you have, label and repackage.



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