I recently purchased a half grass fed and finished Angus Steer with my buddy and there are a few cuts that are unfamiliar to me. I need to smoke something this weekend and I was going to use this cut and use Meatheads awesome brisket recipe that has never failed me. Any words of caution or advice?
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Smoke a Top Sirloin, Cap, Coulotte?
Club Member
- Nov 2015
- 4879
- The Great State of Jefferson
24X40 Lone Star Grillz offset smoker
Weber Summit Charcoal Grill w/SnS and DnG (Spartacus)
20X36 Lonestar Grillz pellet pooper
SnS 18" Travel Kettle
SmokeDaddy Pro portable pellet pooper
2 W22's w/SnS, DnG (1 black, 1 copper) (Minions 1 and 2)
20+ y/o many times rebuilt Weber Genesis w/GrillGrates (Gas Passer)
20 x 30 Santa Maria grill (Maria, duh)
Bradley cabinet smoker (Pepper Gomez)
36" Blackstone griddle (The Black Beauty)
Thermoworks Smoke and Thermapen.
Gourmet dinnerware by PJ Enterprises
Do not cook that like a brisket. That is also known as the pichana and should be cooked like a tri tip or rib roast, i.e. 225-250 until IT of 125 or so then sear it off. Or do it Gaucho-style and cut into 1" steaks, skewer, then roast over an open fire until medium rare. I like to serve with chimichurri or salsa criolla .
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Club Member
- Mar 2020
- 4096
- Muskego, WI
Current cookers:
Recteq RT-700 "Bull" pellet cooker
Smokin-It model 2 electric smoker w/ Maverick 732 temp monitor and cold smoking kit
Weber Genesis 3 burner gas grill w/ rotisserie
Charbroil Grill2Go gas grill
Weber 22" Performer Deluxe kettle grill w/ThermoPro TP-20S temp monitor
Onlyfire rotisserie kit for 22" kettle
Weber Smokey Joe
SnS Deluxe
The Orion Cooker convection cooker/smoker (two of them)
Pit Boss Ultimate 3 burner griddle
Joule Sous Vide circulator
Thermopen original.
Too many miscellaneous accessories (grill pans, baskets, tools, gloves, etc.) to keep track of. 🤦♂️
Favorite beer: Anything that's cold!
Favorite cocktail: Bourbon neat
Charter Member
- Apr 2015
- 122
- SW Oklahoma
Weber 22.5" Grill
Weber Silver Genesis Gas Grill
Tejas Offset Firebox smoker
When I was a meat cutter, we'd take the cap and cut it into 1" strips. Can do a lot of things with that. But then I went to a Brazilian joint and saw the whole cap on a skewer - I cooked it like a tri-tip and liked it a lot. It's really part of the sirloin, so whatever you'd do with that you can do with the cap - stir fry?
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Club Member
- Mar 2018
- 661
- Chandler, AZ
Weber Smoky Mountain 18” and 22”
DigiQ fan controller (WSM 22” has the attachment)
Nexgrill 6 burner gas grill (replaced original grates with GrillGrate grates)
Masterbuilt gas smoker
Turkey fryer (2)
Maverick ET-732 (2)
Char-Broil Big Easy Oil-less Turkey Fryer, Bunk Basket (2)
Nothing wrong with a few posts...in fact, I’d say you’re in the right group to get drawn for the giveaway!
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- Oct 2014
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Large Big Green Egg, Weber Performer Deluxe, Weber Smokey Joe Silver, Fireboard Drive, 3 DigiQs, lots of Thermapens, and too much other stuff to mention.
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Personally i think I would first try to identfie those cuts. As they would change the way you cook them. Smoke chuck roast is great table fair. ( highly recomeded ) There are some exclent tip's on here how to smoke a chuckie. But I would not cook it as I do a steak. It's been many years since purchasing a side of beef but all the packageing was labled.
You may have to unpackage to decide what cuts you have, label and repackage.
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