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20F of carryover heat w/my Prime Rib?

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    20F of carryover heat w/my Prime Rib?

    I followed a youtube recipe for Prime Rib that had me covering it w/dalmation rub, then smothering it with butter, garlic, and herbs. Then I smoked it at 225-250F and pulled it when it got to 120F. The next step was to sear the outside in 400-500F oven or smoker before serving.

    BUT I wanted to make sure carryover cooking process was done before deciding how much to put sear it. Can you believe it went straight to 140F? I started panicking around 135F and actually put it in the fridge. It finally stopped at 140F, and then I waited until it got back down to 120 before searing it. It all turned out pretty well, but I was surprised by 20F of carryover heat.

    I've been cooking briskets for far too long, and haven't done prime rib this thick in a long time. Is this normal for it to go that far?

    BTW, I've uploaded the result. It wasn't actually really good, but we did shoot past medium rare and get to medium territory.

    Dalmation Rub

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    Covered with butter, herbs, and garlic

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    How she looked at 120F:

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    Nice thick crust after the sear

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    Apologize for the screen caps but here are three shots of it cut

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    I don't think it's normal to rise that much, but it looks like you left the bone in? That may have contributed. I've never had more than 10 degrees and usually only 5ish degree carry over when going below 230 the whole cook. I also pull at 120-125 depending on how thick it is.
    Last edited by ItsAllGoneToTheDogs; December 27, 2020, 06:44 PM.


    • wcpreston
      wcpreston commented
      Editing a comment
      THE BONES! That must have been it. Yes, I left them in.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
      Editing a comment
      Seems 'The Bones' always gits th blame, lol!

      In this case, though, makes perfeckly good sense; they provide a dense Thermal Mass that might not have been present, on yer previous Rib Roast Cooks...

      So, yup...

      It's most likely My Fault

    Interesting to read of yer Science Project results, I think that helps us all, when we step up to th cooker.

    Personally, I think it looks Great; I don't like uber rare meats, to be truthful...

    Go on ahead, yall: git out yer torches an pitchforks, an come after my Man Card, yall...

    Reckon ya done already mighta heared bout th last two guys, who tried to, yes???
    Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 28, 2020, 06:06 PM.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
      Editing a comment
      ofelles you too dang dang funny (Not to be conused with to funny, or two funny) , eether witch (whuich?) causes @Pinhead Joe, or whatever th Hail his handel is, to have Grammer Poleece Ettacks, not purty: don't envenin' wanna put no Brother through alla dat kinda Payne, nossir lol

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
      Editing a comment
      ofelles I walked away, a 'well-seasoned' E-5, so, technically, th "SIR" Moniker would generally be reserved fer others, who was / is much mo Impotent, than I lol, Brother!

      I does dang dang sure appreciate th belly laugh, though...first one in several days, though it cost me, dearly...
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 28, 2020, 05:51 PM. Reason: Grammer Keerection:.... He's Always Watchin lol! :eek: :-D

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
      Editing a comment
      Hey Bonehead, (SIR) this is Pinhead Joe. Grammar Police is off today. Carry on.

    Not much help but I would eat it !!!


      It has A LOT to do with the discrepancy b/n the surface temperature and the internal temperature, and how thick that dude is. If that roast was 185 when you took it off it might have only gone up 5 degrees since it wouldn't have taken that long for the surface and internal temperatures to reach equilibrium.


      • wcpreston
        wcpreston commented
        Editing a comment
        What do you think of ItsAllGoneToTheDogs comment about the bones?

        This is the first time I've cooked something this big with the bones still in it.

      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
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        wcpreston I would suspect still getting just as much carryover, but I don't see the bones really helping things.

        A 145 internal pork roast will go at least 10-15 degrees.

      BTW... if anyone wants to watch "meat porn," I have the video of me cutting the bones off and slicing this prime rib here:


        I pull less for the sear at 100°. I would never take that hunk to 120° Before the sear. I’m eating meat at medium these days. Mr. Bones still on your six.
        Might as well cook a Turkey if your taking those hunks to such high temps.

        iI’ve never seen anything carryover only 5°-

        Honestly, it looked delicious.


          This is probably horrible advice, as... (A.) someone else may have already said this and I missed it, (B.) this may not be advised by any health code, and I take that pretty serious. (C.) just all around bad advice.

          When it comes to reverse sear on big chunks of meat like that. I take it to maybe 100-110 and then I pull it and let it rest, when I see it stopping in carry over cooking, likely I guess, I wait to see it even go down a few degrees, during that time I get my fire revved up. And slap it back down in the flames and cook it to closer to where I want it, like a few above said, big roast, I like to go medium rare, skinny steaks, different. Too much flavor loss in a big roast, inmho again, could be horrible example.
          Last edited by Richard Chrz; December 27, 2020, 08:48 PM.


            Click image for larger version  Name:	2293AB10-346D-40E3-8511-7FB01DBADD0D.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	449.6 KB ID:	964040 I know this may be blasphemy, but I never sear any roast. I just smoke it at about 250 until it hit my IT target. Then rest, slice, and serve. Plenty if exterior crust and no worries about finished doneness. Attached is my most recent rib roast cook. It was yummy.


            • HouseHomey
              HouseHomey commented
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              This is gorgeous. Jerod Broussard problem solved, I made a meatloaf.

            • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
              ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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              that's what I've done with the last 2, though unfortunately company messed up my timing by being late so I turned things down too much, then had to bump up temp at the end to eat at a reasonable time Bottom line I think I'm going to continue to do no sear, as you said, still get crust, no fuss with other timings.

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
              Editing a comment
              I had a frozen Premium Selection Angus burger, some KBB mac n Cheese... Truly, Lived, fer at least a minute

              Truth be told, I DID (Kinda) Cheat, mebbe, some, kinda: I quckly dipped each side in Worsh Yer Sister Sauce, then patted it down with me some SPOG...then into th garlic butter, in CI, it went...

              Managed not to drag out th McCormick's Montreal, jus fer Fun...

            Might sound all kinda sideways, cray-cray, even more blasphempous than has been mentioned...

            (Wouldn't be a First, here, fer me, BTW...

            I jus forego doin em, at th Holly Daze, when they are especially cheap, an plentiful...

            I generally tends to wait a day, even a couple (like, today, fer instance...

            Then, I jus schleps me along, down there to th grocery store, git several on Orange Tag, Manager's Special, kinda deals, like $1.99-3.99 / lb.

            Slice a couple up, into steaks, Vac-Pack, freeze, natch...

            Cube up a few, Smoke / sear em off, use em to make some dang dang good chili, an tacos...
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 28, 2020, 07:07 PM.


              I quit searing rib roast years when my brother the chef said "why sear that roast, you get a decent crust cooking it at 250 with decent seasoning and NOBODY cars about the crust when the meat is perfect, that is what they remember". I was like, uh yea that makes sense thinking how many times I messed up the roast thinking I HAD to sear it.


                I just pulled mine at 115 and seared in cast iron for 5 mins a side, and it definitely got to medium.

                Will pull off at 100, next time


                • Jerod Broussard
                  Jerod Broussard commented
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                  Do you leave it 5 minutes on one side? I don't get much carryover, but I'm rolling my dude like their ain't no tomorrow.

                • BFlynn
                  BFlynn commented
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                  This is the first rib roast I've done.

                  Directions on the free side said to sear for 5 mins a side. Will try less next time too.


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