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Beefy beans

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    Beefy beans

    I cooked a rib roast for Christmas on the Weber, with a pan underneath that had a bone stock the whole time the roast cooked. It's pretty smoky, and there's a lot left- maybe a quart.
    I'm wondering if i included that Jus in with the cooking water in the InstantPot what black beans would come out tasting like. Is this something anyone has tried?

    I have not tried that, but I think the beans would taste down right good!


      Man, I would go for it as a flavoring for a pot of beans.
      Suggest tasting first, then maybe pairing with PBR.


        I’m sure it would be great! I regularly use smoked chicken and turkey stock for cooking beans.


          Almost two quarts of smoky jello. I added a couple cups of water to a pound of black beans. Looking forward to this!


            I think it sounds like a good matchup with some beans, I'd go right fer it, in yer place...

            I virtually never use water in my foods, always broth, stock, boullion, milk, vinegar, coke dr. pepper, coffee, beer, wine, likker, what have ya handy, that works with whatcher makin...W

            Water is summat I occasionally cook my food in,() as a medium, but never summat I cook in My Food lol! (Pah!!! Ptuiii!!!)
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 27, 2020, 02:37 PM.


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              ofelles many thanks fer yer kind words of carin, I'm feelin better, in mostwise, than previously...B

              Back has a helluva monkey wrench in it, musta twanged it, some kinda POWERFUL BAD, when I was jinkin, or summat.

              No biggie; it only hurts when I try to breathe, so I have issued a mandate, efective immediately, on breathin, overmuch like lol
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 27, 2020, 04:31 PM.

            • Backroadmeats
              Backroadmeats commented
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              Mr. Bones I think you are the only person I know who has hurt their back putting a whooping on some thugs that deserved it with a baseball bat!! Glad to hear your hanging in their!!

            • CaptainMike
              CaptainMike commented
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              Yuh gotta warm up a bit before you start swinging for the fences!

            I'm calling it a success, just salty enough, and real good juice. InstantPots are pretty impressive machines Click image for larger version

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ID:	963813


              Looks pretty good Dick. I made a French onion soup out of mine for dinner yesterday.


              • Dick Anderson
                Dick Anderson commented
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                Wow! I wish I'd have thought of that!

              • CaptainMike
                CaptainMike commented
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                It was pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. I even got an "Oh wow!" from my most honest critic.


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